Originally posted by DirtRyder03
What??..........that may be true on other bikes but not kx250's, Just adding a pipe can change the whole power characteristics of the bike? when I Had my stock pipe/ Silencer on my Kx250 it had no top-end(most kx's dont) and after i added a pc pipe & silencer all the way from bottom end to top had improved especially the mid-top, I probly got another 3-5mph on top?
A pipe is probly the best mod you could do to dirtbike?
A pipe is NOT the best mod for a motocross bike...IMHO suspension setup is the most important mod to have on an MX bike.
That's right...It is rare to get huge power increases with an exhaust....Porting will do so much more in the power department than an exhaust...And it can be done for $100 cheaper than buying an exhaust...Sure, it would be easier to buy an exhaust and just put it on, but the performance gain isn't as impressive(if an exhaust actually does benefit a particular bike) as porting...If done by an expert, porting can yield huge power gains...
I wouldn't deny that you gained some hp with your exhaust....Some exhaust can benefit a particular MX bike...BUT....Not all bikes experience a HP gain with an aftermarket exhaust and some get worse hp results with the addition of an exhaust.
I was just giving the guy a more Effective and Much Cheaper alternative just in case he was in search of more power.