kx80 questions


Apr 20, 2005

I was thinking about buying a 96 kx80 with a bunch of mods including sprocket, piston, bigger carb, jets, reeds, pipes...basically a new top end...etc. I won't be doin much trail riding, just a lot of dirt roads and open fields where I can be topped out a lot (I know pinning the bike for an extended period of time is bad so I wont do that.) Will this type of riding be hard on a 2 stroke? Basically I want something that will keep up with the z400. Keep in mind I'm only 5'2" and 150 pounds and I won't be growing anymore. Oh btw its selling for $800, so what do you all think? Thanks
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Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
At 150 lbs you are on the heavy side for that 80 to handle. At 5'2" your on the short side for a 125 so I'd most likely look into the KX100/RM100 or a KTM105SX. I have no idea how fast a z400 is so can't really say if you can keep up although you can change the gearing to make anything go faster at the sacrifice of bottom end power.


Apr 20, 2005
Yea i figured as much, but I asked because of the $800 it is going for. My friend actually rides a kx80 our other friend left at his house and he is 5'9" 210. It still does about 62 with him on it too. This kx I am talking about is a good bit more hopped up, and I plan on losing a little bit more weight as well. The z400 does about 70 I think from what I have read. LOL so i kinda guess I answered my own question about the z400. I guess I just need some reassurance. All I want the bike for is a summer or two to have fun crusing the fields and roads. I guess I basically need to know how long a top end will last with that type of riding.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
How long a top end will last is determined not only by your riding style but the level of maintenance the bike get's thrown it's way. Any 80 that is doing 60+ with a 210 lb rider either had the gearing changed or is being clocked with a fairly inaccurate speedo.


Apr 20, 2005
Well see my recon does 52 clocked by a car beside me and the kx flies by me....so i guessed at 61 but im positive it does it.....as far as its gearing....well it pulls mad mad wheelies through 3rd gear very easy.....for the maintanence aspect, can you tell me what kind of stuff i would need to do to make it last as long as possible? Thanks


Apr 20, 2005
hey chili can you give me a brief overview of the maintanence i will need to be doing to keep the bike lasting as long as possible


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
For the top end the most important thing is to always keep the airfilter cleaned and properly oiled. We change filters everytime we ride pretty much without exception. On sandy tracks or really dusty days when my kid is racing we will change filters between moto's. Contaminants that get sucked through the filter go straight into the carb and from there directly into the engine. Regular cleaning of the carb is also a good idea. As for the rest of the bike we change oil everytime we ride which may be a bit of overkill but we have an oil sponsor. You need to keep things tight (spokes, mounts etc) and regrease your bearings (wheels, steering stem, linkage) for maximum longevity.


Apr 20, 2005
Thanks chili I appreciate it.....when you were talking about the air filters, what if it has an aftermarket K&N filter on it....would you suggest cleaning it after every ride...cause you talked about changing the filters everytime you ride....oh and it sounds to me like the bikes in your family are used for racing...mine is simply one that I will take out like every day in the summer and just fly through some fields and roads with...but I will still try my best to follow what you suggested....thanks


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
K&N generally makes paper filters for cars,trucks, quads etc. The KX will have a foam filter, if it's not stock it will likely be a uni or twin air filter. I prefer twin air filters. My son's bike is raced mine is not, either way the maintenance still needs to be the same for engine longevity regardless of how it's ridden. Top end replacement intervals may be longer if it's not raced but you may be putting as much or more stress on the engine running it wide open for longer durations than we do racing.
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