Land use alert: They've done it once...


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
they'll do it again.

But finally, some media exposure to the sabotage crap that we know has been going on for years.



Sponsoring Member
Jan 29, 2001
Good find Lori!! Awsome! I hope the Media keeps it up and applies the pressure where needed!


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
I had a professor in college that used to work as a wildlife Biologist in Wyoming. He told us of a place that they wanted to put in a strip goldmine, yet his Ecology report showed signs of a Black Footed Farret. As well as a Farmer close by had trapped one/found one about 10 miles away.

He was sent three weeks later to try and verify his assumption. Based on his first report of an overabonunce of rodents, and ground squirrels another agency went in and planted arsnic pills in all the holes,
His new report showed signs of dead eagles, coyotes, and numerous smaller mammals.
Needless to say a huge corperation was able to put in their pit since the likely hood of anything surviving was their.

The Government must be Bi, they go both ways to get what they want :scream:


Aug 13, 1999
"The employees have been counseled for their actions and banned from participating in the three-year survey of the lynx, listed as a threatened animal under the Endangered Species Act. Federal officials would not name the offending employees, citing privacy concerns."

After reading it again, I am even more po'd. These government employees were involved in FRAUD and caused how many thousands of dollars to be wasted on their idiotic agenda and they are not PROSECUTED?

" government officials: three Forest Service employees, two U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officials and two employees of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife"

Looks like more letters to

USDA Forest Service is here

US Fish & Wildlife - ooops not available because they (along with the BLM and all other offices of the Dept of Interior) are under the gag order due to the Dept of Interior stealing the Indian's money.

Washington State Dept of Fish & Wildlife is here

Governor Locke, who appoints the Washington State Fish & Wildlife Commisioners is Here
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Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
I'm with you on that bbbom. I can't believe that no charges were brought up against them! :mad:

DNA testing of two of the samples matched that of a lynx living inside an animal preserve. The third DNA sample matched that of an escaped pet lynx being held in a federal office until its owner retrieved it, federal officials said.
I found this interesting. Good catch! What do they do, keep a database of DNA records for every Lynx they find?


Jun 5, 2000
So my question is: how many other instances of falsified data have gone undetected and were subsequently used to close off access? :mad:


Dishonest Environmentalists? Nah!

This may have been posted before. I saw a post title the other day that would have fit this but now I can't find it to see if it was the same thing or not.
Anyway, this is very good reading. Check this out: Click!


I come and go
Aug 7, 2001
I think that happened in Deepwater too. Someone planted the hairs of the very rare, safe q u a d rider, or Wearus Helmetus . Yeah, it was previously though to be extinct. The species showed signs of accelerated evolution over the previous species of q u a d rider with developed speaking skills and a thick shell or a "helmet" that covered the head. This species, unlike the garden variety q u a d rider, does not require a regular diet of alcohol and Copenhagen. Environmentalist were baffled that such an amazing animal even existed. Further investigation has proved that this was indeed a hoax. After examining the hair closer, it has been found that it was once part of a mullet, proving that it was not some new breed. In fact, it was the very common Wheelius Billybobus, or Billy Bob as they are know in these parts. Investigators are looking into a motive for such an act. They are pretty sure that someone was drunk and hit their head on a tree, leaving the hair behind, and giving yet again proof that there was no helmet in sight! True story!

Gary B.

Apr 17, 2000
Sorry to say, but there's no surprise there. I think this kind of nonsense goes on all the time and these "study groups" can all eventually find whatever results they need to further their own cause. worst of it is, we all foot the bills for this.:mad: :mad: :mad:


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
The employees have been counseled for their actions and banned from participating in the three-year survey of the lynx

nice punishment. "don't do that again or you'll have a time-out".

Gary B.

Apr 17, 2000
Yeah, I noticed the "punishment" as well.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Originally posted by BRush
So my question is: how many other instances of falsified data have gone undetected and were subsequently used to close off access? :mad:

Bing! Bing! My thoughts exactly. How big is this iceberg that they found the tip of??



Sometimes I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree. Lori's thread is the one I referred to above. It is the same link. I had previously read that thread but did not open the link at the time. This thread might be a good candidate for a delete/merge.

BTW-That punishment thing kills me. "Bad Environmentalist! BAD! No tofu for a week. And you don't get to look at the kitty for the next three years. What's that? You back-talkin' me? Alright, TWO weeks without tofu.":silly:



Aug 13, 1999

Biologists may be fired over lynx hoax
Federal workers planted fur samples during survey of endangered species
Associated Press

WASHINGTON _ Lawmakers want an investigation to determine whether government wildlife biologists reported finding lynx fur in two national forests to keep people out of the areas.

The Forest Service and Fish and Wildlife Service are tracking the rare Canadian lynx to determine how many there are and where they live. Data from the four-year survey will be used to determine how best to protect the lynx, which is classified as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

During the 2000 sampling session, biologists sent the lab doing DNA tests for the project three fur samples they said had come from parts of the Wenatchee and Gifford Pinchot national forests in Washington state. Those areas are normally not home to lynx.

The biologists later admitted they planted the samples, saying they did so to test whether the lab could accurately identify lynx fur.

None of the seven remain in the lynx survey program. Six were reassigned and one retired.

House Resources Committee Chairman James Hansen, R-Utah, and Rep. Scott McInnis, R-Colo., chairman of the House forests subcommittee, called the action "grossly inadequate punishment given the magnitude of this offense."

They said if it is found that the intent was to skew the study, the biologists should be fired.

"These offenses minimally amount to professional malfeasance of the highest order," they wrote Tuesday in a letter to Agriculture Secretary Anne Veneman and Interior Secretary Gale Norton, whose agencies administer the program.

Hansen and McInnis want a review of all data collected through the lynx recovery program before any land management decisions are made.

The Canadian lynx is about 2 to 31/2 feet long and weighs 10 to 40 pounds with thick brownish gray fur, broad furry paws, black-tufted ears and a short, black-tipped tail. Its principal prey is snowshoe hares.

Efforts to protect lynx habitat are under way in 57 forests in 16 states, mostly along the northern border of the United States, plus Utah and Colorado.

Full Story and a chance to comment is:

Get you letters of support for Hansen & McGinnis out to - Write Your Rep is a great place to start!!


Nov 14, 2000
I think they should be and better be fired, Try and pull that some where else you work at. They purposely did it and I think they should be fired and much more then that something that go's down on thier perminent record like a felony so they have to report it any where else they might work.
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