Landing on the front wheel.....


May 16, 2001
Hi everybody!

I'm a MX beginner and I have a problem I'm trying to solve:

When I jump I often land on the front wheel. Already I've realized the drawbacks of it (I got thrown off the bike last weekend) but I can't seem to get control of my jumping.
When I watch other people ride they seem to control the bike in the air, how do you do that?!?



Jul 14, 2000
Front wheel up
1.Have RPM's high
2.lean back with body
3.pull up on bars-does a little

Front wheel down
1.lean over bars
2.Hit back break
3.low RPM's
4.push down on bars

You must be landing to far on your front wheel. For the best landings I believe you should land with your bike the same angle as the landing ramp. This means front wheel down. If theres a turn after the jump this is the only way for me. If its a straight away I hit with the back wheel down first so I can get on the gas fastest.


Mar 15, 2001
Make sure youre not letting off the gas before the back tire is in the air. This will cause your front end to drop and land on the front tire. Hold a steady throttle untill you get in the air. When your in the air, you can control the front end with the gas and brake. Hitting the gas in the air will bring your front end up, and pulling in the clutch and tapping the rear brake will bring it down.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Originally posted by MoO_coW
If its a straight away I hit with the back wheel down first so I can get on the gas fastest.
Actually, if you land on the back wheel, you have to wait for the front to come down before you can fully get on the gas. If you land with the front end down slightly, you can be full throttle when you land.
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