Leg Recovery


Aug 15, 2000
Hi, I broke my leg about 4 months ago, have had the cast off for about 3 months, and am trying to regain strength in my ankle. I went off a jump at an mx track and had a guy land on top of me in mid-air, causing my bike to land on my right leg,over-rotating the ankle and breaking the tibia in a spiral fracture just above my ankle joint. The doctors didn't feel that I needed physical therapy but now I'm starting to regret it. My ankle starts to hurt just when walking up and down the halls (yes I go to school), but I found it hurts most frequently when it's cold outside (between 30-50 degrees F). I would like some help as to strengthen my ankle. I have access to a weight room at my school if that helps. Right now the onlything I've been doing for it is calf raises, but I think that it's mainly lateral support that's my weakness.



Aug 25, 2000
Practice balancing on one leg. This will help develope those "stabilizer" muscles around the ankle and knee. Once it gets too easy, try tossing a ball, or juggling while balancing.

You can also build yourself a "wobble board". All you need is a square piece of plywood or similar about 16" square. Make a pair of "half moon" rockers from another piece of wood (cut a circle, then slice off two sides to form two rockers). Attach these securely to the square piece and your good to go. Be very carefull though, and make sure you have something to grab onto, because you can fall quite easily. You can rock the ankle through it's range of motion, first with both feet, then balancing on one.

Good luck! and hope this helps. Remember, it will take time...


Aug 13, 1999
When I played volleyball & basketball, ankle injuries were quite common. One of my coaches had us start writing the alphabet in the air with our feet - one at a time of course and the injuries decreased. It seemed to add flexibility and strength to the joint.

It's a simple and easy excercise you can do anywhere. Be careful doing it in cursive though! ;)
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