
Feb 8, 2001
The Hill and Gully Enduro team, Chicago, have a had to cancel a section of our enduros this year because of a threatening neighbor. His gripe is that the noise will harm his livestock and he will sue us regardless. Is there any ordinances or laws we would be breaking if we did sound checks?? If we are not on his property, it's a rural area and none of his "precious livestock" are bothered, would he even have a legitimate lawsuit?? We just want to be prepared if we use the land in the future.
Any info or links to finding info is appreciated.


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
barkbuster, there are legal limits which you can find at the state level and local level. please call it SOUND, and NOT noise. Noise has negative terms to it, sound is that sound.

By the way I have a national regulations on it also which i can scan some pages and send you. I recently purchased a db meter.
Please note AMA just passed a resolution to get all machines to 96db.....


High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
As a goodwill gesture I would suggest offering helping him move his stock to a different field prior to the event. Even if done legally by the book, an honest attempt to be good heighbors about it will go a long way.

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