
Oct 3, 2002
OK, I'll confess. I rode in a harescramble-like race yesterday. And in less than one 8 mile lap I gave out. In my defense, I haven't exercised since last fall, I have hardly ridden at all this spring, and I was fighting off a cold last week w/antihistamines. The old body can't take a beating like it used to. I could have continued but the fast guys were lapping me and I didn't want to be the idiot who fell on a steep hill and held up the pack. Didn't want to 'ruin it for everyone else'.

Mostly I'm bummed because I was really looking forward to spending the day riding off road. I had no illusions of grandeur. But it was narrow, tight single track, where there was a track at all. Toss in some STEEEEEEEP 300' downhills and very, very rocky uphills and it just wasn't worth the risk.

Went home and rode the Sportster. Ahhh... much better!

The track is less than 2 miles from my house. I heard the quads running on Saturday and went to investigate. Figured I could just putt around enjoy the ride. Huh! Guess I'll havet to take up needle point. :ugg:

Here's the gig:

Maybe next year.


Jul 26, 1999
Was this track in East Palestine Ohio? IF so, I raced there back in '88. It was raining and a mess. The race was nasty. Terry Cunningham was there, so was one of the Lojacks. It was the weekend before Thanksgiving and was the "Toys for Tots Turkey run" People were stuck just getting out of the pits. Ah the memories. I know the terrain of wich you are speaking.


Oct 3, 2002
This event was between Steubenville and Toronto, about an hour south of E. Palestine. Not excessively wet, considering the non-stop rain we've been having either. But pretty damp none the less. I'm humbled.
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