This may be a little premature, since this is all just starting, but this just seems to be going bad. People just cant be satisfied anymore with what they got. Just listen to what the AMA and CC are saying, more more more more. It all comes down to money, and when that becomes the main goal then people will do what ever they can to get it. But the problem is by the time they have squeezed all the life out of it, and they are rich, then WE lose.Justlook at how people are, CEO's of Enron making 20 million a year, then they file bankruptcy on the company because it is broke. They got what the wanted though. I used to think the AMA was kinda of a non-profit organiztion,( I understand the employees need to get paid) that they organized racing to benefit the amatures as well as the pros, but I now feel like it is strictly a business, and once again if money is the objective then dont think for a second they are worried what we want. I like the fact that every where you go you dont see advertising crap for our sport, it is not crammed in your face at the store, gas station,Mcdonalds, at Walmart on cheezy clothing, even if you love something so much, too much can be bad. It is still somewhat of a pure sport, and I would hate to see it smeared all over. Just hope that everyone looks at how things can get and then realize maybe it is just fine as it is, and be satisfied. Hope this is in the right forum.