I have decided to get another 2 stroke and am stuck between these two bikes. If memory serves me right the 380 EXC's are only available from 98 to 02. These are the same years that I would consider for a 300 too. They are identicle bikes with the exception of the motor. (I am almost certain, correct?) They seem to be going for roughly the same price.
I ride the Cascades in Washington and currently have a YZ426F that is great except I just want to add a good 2 stroke to my arsenal.I am sure both bike would acomplish what I am looking for but just thought I would get the general concensus.
The only way to go is a 300, anything more will get you in trouble faster and tire you out, in my own opinion of course. I use to ride a cr 250 but now its a 300 exc, the best bike I've owned so far. The motor and forks are magical which makes you a better rider, worked for me!
Since the 300 & 380 are the same chassis and the amount of trouble you get in to is dictated by your right wrist might as well go 380 and suffer any twist of the wrist issues because it's easier to roll it back than it is to add more.
I have a new 300EXC. It's just fine,(for a 300) but I wish I could buy a 2 STROKE: 400,450,500 EXC .
KTM should think about it...There are lots of us old guys still around,and we ride,and we have money.You make it and we will buy it!!! Lots of us old farts would love to see an open class KTM!!!
i would be worried they will stop making parts for the 380. they still build the 300 so parts will be available for a while. i had a 89 ktm 350 with the kicker on the left side and the pipe on the left. it was an awsome bike, super fast ran good, but i couldnt find parts for it. i cracked my pipe tried to buy a new one and couldnt find one. so i bought a new ktm 450 exc and love it. :ride:
I am hardly worried about them not making parts for the 380. Odds are it will be at a MINIMUM 15 years before that happens and by then I will be ready for a new bike anyways.
So if I get a 380 then what year should I get? Keep in mind that if there is absolutly no difference between a 00 and a 02 then I will just get the first good deal that comes along. However if there were slight modifications to a specific year that makes it better then I will hold out for that year. I am fairly certain that I am going to get a 380. I want all the low end I can get. :laugh:
The 300 is somewhat tamer . You must really control the throttle on the 380, it is really A handfull.
That said the 380 has an adundance of power and is A seat of the pants type ride. I love mine!