Looking for woods and trail bike, need advice.


Jun 8, 2003
Well I had a big post to introduce myself, but accidently deleted it.

So here is the short of it: I'm 200 lbs, semi-experienced dirt rider, looking for a good woods/trail bike that won't bore me in two weeks. I am leaning toward a KDX200, because I understand the 220 doesn't have the mid-range punch or the top end. My problem is I'm a 200 lb. rider and feel I might be a little heavy for this bike.

My initial searches look very promising. I've seen '98+ KDX's going for around 2k; which is well within my price range. However, I would be willing to spend more for a KX if that will better suite my needs at this point.



Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
I weigh 255lbs.
My KDX200 rips!

There are plenty of mods to do if you ever get bored with it


Sponsoring Member
Jun 27, 2002
I'm 190 and have a blast tossing it around in the woods. Plus, a KX isn't a woods bike, sure you can ride it there, but it doesn't perform as well.


Aug 11, 2002
I am 203# and my 2002 KDX200 is the best trail bike I have ever ridden.

I took an 18 year hiatus from dirt biking and I also didn't want a bike that I was going to get bored with.

I am not bored!

My KDX is a fast and fun bike!

And reasonably priced! $3600.00 for a new one, not inc. tax. :yeehaw:

P.S. You will need stiffer fork springs which are easily installed.
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Oct 6, 2002
I will agee with the other posts a KDX will make a fine bike for you. My Father and Uncle both ride KDX's and they both weigh over 200 pounds. We have put heavier springs front and back on both bikes, also I installed Race Tech valves in both forks. The valves and the suspension worked better on the lighter sprung bike.
The problem as I see neither of the bikes have as good of suspension, or motor as my RMX even though it is a 95. (which I would be glad to sell you)
All I'm saying is that I would open my search a little. A KDX would be a good bike, a used RMX would be a good bike, you might even find a XR 400 to suit your needs.
If I was buying a used bike I would go more by how good of condition the bike was in and how good of a deal I was getting, then just one particular model.
Be careful new plastic dosen't mean the bike is in good shape! Check the compression, how well it shifts, does the clutch pull easy and let out smoothly. Put the bike on a stand how tight are the wheels, wheel bearing, also is the rear suspension tight? grab the swing with the bike on a stand and see if it moves side to side, or up and down. It should go up and down of course but it shouldn't clunk or click.
With the bike on the ground grab the front break and roll the bike forward and backward and see if there is any play in the steering stem bearings.
Don't get me wrong almost any of these problems can be fixed but you won't know how bad the problem is until you take it a part. For instance you might think it just needs some new rear wheel bearings, but then you take it apart and find out the hub is shot, now the price of the repair has just went 10 fold.
Also look for rounded off nuts and bolts, this is a sign of a bike being wrenched on a lot as well as the quality of the mechanic/owner working on the bike.
Another tale tell sign is look at the pipe mounts, a lot of hard riders crack or break the chamber mounts.
Even though I ride and own a KTM, I would pick a good used KDX, RMX, or XR over a clapped out KTM or any other brand/model.
Happy Hunting,


Jul 14, 2002
Originally posted by dthoms
The problem as I see neither of the bikes have as good of suspension, or motor as my RMX even though it is a 95. (which I would be glad to sell you)

I have been looking for reasonably priced RMX myself for something different. What do you want for it? Please just email me at [email protected]

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Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 26, 2002
KDX=good bike :thumb:

Never, and I mean NEVER, have I heard a bad comment about a KDX 200. Parts, performance, etc...all good.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
If I had to replace my KTM, it would be with a KDX. :eek: (Shh, don't tell the KTM Huggers). :) Like most of the others, I am in the 200 club as well.
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