Lord of the Rings...What did you think?


May 21, 2001
It looked so good. Good plot. Good animation. Good actors.
What did you think? I haven't read the books, but I HATED IT. It was just these little demonic people from hell ripping heads off over and over and over. The plot wasn't bad, but it was without much backing. It was so horrible.
What did you think?


Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
I thought it was Awsome.......


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
I am with 380 excman I relly enjoyed it as did thekid and my wife. I am a very big fan of Tolkien and have read all his books several times. Eric had only read the Hobbit before going and now can't wait to start the rest of the books. Try reading the book (one of the few times the movie seeems to follow it) THE TWO TOWERS before you see that installment.
My one big dissappointment - the final two books are already filmed and in the can ready for release but will come out a year apart:ugg:


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
never read the books, but did have The Hobbit Read Along Story Book when I was about three, and have been freaked out by it ever since... but a friend dragged me to it last night and I LOVED IT!!! It definately isn't for anyone under 12 or 13, but man, it was more intense than any move I've seen in a loooong time. Gasting, too. I swear, actors should have a mandatory shelf life. I can't stand to see the same self-absorbed blowhards movie after movie (Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, Samuel L. Jackson, etc.), unless of course it's a sequel like Die Hard or Lethal Weapon.


Oct 29, 2000
It scared me but of course I'm only 10!!!!!:scream:

I'm just kidding I don't really Know if I like it or not:uh:

+ ya'll have changed ALOT it's kinda weird but I haven't posted here in a long time so it's new 4 me

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
I thought it was really good but with one caveat ... reading the book back when I was 12 or 13 was even better. What I'm trying to say is that it was really awesome but didn't quite live up to my expectations ... in my imagination it was more satisfying.

Major congrats to director Peter Jackson though ... he pulled it off bigtime and it's sure to be a classic.


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Oh man, it was excellent!!! Excellent casting. Beautifully done! I don't remember if I read the books, maybe a the Hobbit a long time ago but I did see the animated series when I was younger and was familiar with the story.
I'm getting the the books and am going to read them all before the other movies come out.


Jun 29, 1999
Haven't seen it and I'm not in any hurry to. I'm a big fan of both Tolkien and Peter Jackson, and have been for a long time. But I know they had to make make changes from the book, the wrong changes according to some reviews I have seen ... guess I'm sort of worried I'll end up losing respect for both Tolkien and Jackson.


Oct 29, 2000
It scared me but of course I'm only 10!!!!!:scream:

I'm just kidding I don't really Know if I like it or not:uh:

+ ya'll have changed ALOT it's kinda weird but I haven't posted here in a long time so it's new 4 me


Jan 1, 2001
It's funny, the movie was word for word perfect. Sure they cut out some parts like Old Man Willow and Tom Bombadill and the Barrow Downs but even without those parts the movie was still 3 hours. I loved it, I am going to go see it again and again once more. It really is as good as they say it is.

Lee W.


Nov 7, 2000
I read all the books along time ago and have seen the animated series. I enjoyed all of them. I was wondering if I should go a see it or not. I just might have to based of the reviews here.


Nov 8, 1999
Originally posted by LWilson250
It's funny, the movie was word for word perfect. Sure they cut out some parts like Old Man Willow and Tom Bombadill and the Barrow Downs but even without those parts the movie was still 3 hours. I loved it, I am going to go see it again and again once more. It really is as good as they say it is.

Lee W.

Agreed! Awesome!! I am a huge Tolkien fan. Not having Tom Bombadil was disappointing though. I also did not like the casting of Elrond (the Matrix bad guy - poor choice). Elves should look like Legolas! I will see it again, and can't wait to see The Two Towers:D


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Haven't gone to see it, another not sure I want to.
I have in my mind what everyone should look like, and doubt that anyone would look like that. Maybe one day I might make an effort, but only once all the crap hype has passed. Loved the books, but none too sure about the movie.

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
Huge Tolkien fan so I want to see it..

although I cant imagine it being good unless you had first read the trilogy books and the Hobbitt.
maybe even the "Simarillion" (sp) to give more background.

Rumour is they may do a movie on The adventures of Tom Bombadil and cover the older tales in the Simarillion as sequels in a few years.?


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
I'm going to wait for the video--so I can buy a copy and peruse it at will. I'm glad that it's a hit. What a tremendous undertaking, though! I may go to the theater just so I can see Liv Tyler NOW. :confused:

I really hope that the movie does the book justice. Wasn't "The Hobbit" the first part of the Trilogy?
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dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
JP - no, "The Hobbit" was not part of the trilogy. Frodo, the protagonist of the trilogy, is also a hobbit and related to Bilbo Baggins.

I need to read them all again - the trilogy is GREAT.

Those I know that have seen the new movie have loved it.


I was reading online about some of the other movies made previous to this one. They were animated and kinda "cutesy" instead of dark and mysterious. The one that the critics loved was done by the guy who did "Wizards". Anyone remember who he was? There was lots of coloring over live action shots, frame by frame. They said his Tolkien movie was great but didn't cover enough of the story. Sorry I can't remember any more specifics!


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by BigLou
. . . The one that the critics loved was done by the guy who did "Wizards". Anyone remember who he was? There was lots of coloring over live action shots, frame by frame. They said his Tolkien movie was great but didn't cover enough of the story. Sorry I can't remember any more specifics!
Ralph Bashki (or Bakshi--I can't remember). His was the darker version, and can be a little scary. A lot of what looked like hand drawing over actual pictures. The characters moved very realistically. I don't remember who did the other version, but I do remember seeing it.

And Bilbo is Frodo's uncle.


May 21, 2001
So basically you're saying that I'm in the minority here:p

Anybody see A.I.? You have to say that was about the worst movie EVER.

What were those bikes with the dog heads on the front?


Aug 1, 2001
This movie is a great adaptation of the books to screen. From what I can remember from reading The Hobbit and the 3 books of the Lord of the Rings, it was VERY true to the books. If you don't like the movie, you probably wouldn't like the books either. (not that there's anything wrong with that either). The director had a very tough job making this movie because he didn't have much creative license and had to stay within the dialogue and story lines of the books. Any major deviations to make this a more "appealing" movie to the masses would have been picked apart by Tolkein diehards and other fans of Middle Earth..........


Jun 29, 1999
I saw an interview with Tolkien before he died saying he thought all the adaptations/dramatizations of his books were crap and was completely against any more adaptions.

Tolkien's son, Christopher I think, was also dead against the new movie, and disowned his own son because he supported the new movie.

I saw the old film and walked out halfway thru because it was so bad. If that is what Tolkien was basing his opinion on, fair enough. Of course the new film is a lot better by all accounts, but would Tolkien himself have approved of it? I doubt it.

That won't interfere with my enjoyment (or not) of it, when I decide to see it.
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Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by Michelle
Haven't gone to see it, another not sure I want to.
I have in my mind what everyone should look like, and doubt that anyone would look like that. Maybe one day I might make an effort, but only once all the crap hype has passed. Loved the books, but none too sure about the movie.

that's exactly what I thought as well. I have read the trilogy MANY times since I was 12 or 13 years old. I have a great imagination, and thought that there was NO WAY that the movie would not be a HUGE disappointment.
However...I have to say that it was beautifully done. The cast was fantastic and the scenery...well...I can't think of a superlative to fit.
The only complaint I had was the violence. In the books, there is much more inferring..and less actual bloodshed. I guess that to satisfy the bloodthirsty crowd, the orcs had to be hideous beyond belief, and be able to scale walls and pillars like flies.
Other than that, I was totally iimpressed, and will definately see it again.


"Team Army"
Dec 9, 1999
just got home from seeing it no complaints from me.ive read the books several times.we were even having a contest at serv.honda on trivia from the books.i did here some people leaving saying they left it open at the end for part 2(duhh).the trailer for the new star wars,and spiderman looked pretty good too.


Oct 24, 2001
I saw the movie and loved it.

I left the theater feeling that this movie is the "star wars" of today's generation. I read the books while I was in high school and loved it then.
I actually went to wal-mart and bought it again so I could relive the fantasy.

I felt that the director accurately portrayed what I imagined while reading the book. The cinematography, locations, acting, CG, all were outstanding.

It's been a while since I have been completely absorbed while watching a movie...this one did it.

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