
Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
Lost Trails ATV park should be opening in eastern Pa in a couple weeks. It is about 20 miles from the Delaware Water Gap. I was fortunate enough to get a preview ride with about 30 other people today. I had the only dirtbike there, but I expected that since it was originally slated to be an ATV park. It has since been changed and will be opened for bikes also. All bikes and ATVs will be required to have liability insurance. Registration is not required but it is recommended.

The day started with a quick greeting from the owner and family, then went on a guided ride around the park. We broke into 3 groups, one for the advanced riders, one for the good riders, and one for the beginners. I took the middle group, which was the smallest with only 5 people,to get a feel for the trails. We took a quick tour of "The BadLands" which is the play area, and then a short portion of the obstacle course. I wouldn't expect to see many bikes on the obstacle course, since it is rough and rocky for the bikes. I know rocks don't bother most of us, but you would need to ride it a little to understand what I mean.

We then headed out to the trails. The main trails are existing power lines, first one about 2 miles long, second about 1 1/2 miles, with a nice long downhill heading out the second power line. All the other trails are off of these power lines. The trails are all well marked, and all one way except the power lines. There are also 3 different levels of trail, green (easy), blue (intermediate) and red (difficult). On our way up the first power line, we turned onto a few green trails. These were nice easy relaxing trails which would be great for the kids that are getting used to riding, and still fun for the experienced rider. All the trails are cut for ATVs to get through. The trails all looped back onto the powerlines , so we headed what they call "Lookout Point" at the end of the second powerline, and the furthest point out into the park. This is where our tour ended. our guide handed us all maps of the park, and left us to fend for ourselves. (of course anyone who wanted to go back, could follow him back out the power lines to the parking area) Nobody headed back though, we all stayed together, and decided to try one of the blue trails on our way back. This was the best part of the day for me, since they said I could lead the way. Now I wasn't in the back of the pack anymore with all the dust from the ATVs, let them take the dust for a while :laugh: We got to the blue trail, I took one look at it and I knew I wound like this. This trail was more suited for me, and the type of riding I like. The smooth trails are nice and relaxing, but you need to add some challenges. The trails were not excessively rocky, just enough rocks and logs across the trail to make it fun. There were other trails leading off of the main blue trail, which all loop back to it, so I knew after lunch I would have to come back to explore. We finsihed this trail and headed back out the powerline to the registration area so some of our group could meet up with their friends and family who took one of the other tours.

After I ate some lunch I headed back out solo to do some exploring for a couple hours.(they wanted us back by 3 since they are not officially opened yet) I headed back out to lookout point, and then backtracked taking each trail as I came to it. The blue trails are all at the far end of the park, the green trails are off the first power line, and the red trails branch off of the green and blue trails. The first trails I come to have one trail to the left (Stairway) and one to the right (Eastwood), both blue trails. Eastwood is the trail we did in the morning, so I decide to go up Stairway. Another great trail with a fun downhill section that could be intimidating to some. i wound up taking the short loop on this trail, since I did miss a marking somewhere for the longer loop. I then went back to eastwood which was the trail we did earlier, but I wanted to check the other trails that fell in this section. So I followed this up to where the trail split and started exploring. to start the trail, they have logs forming a small bridge which i did have to go around for fear that my wheel would drop between the logs. This was another fun trail, with just a few obstacles to add a challenge, including a small stream crossing with a muddy bottom and about a 1 1/2 foot vertical exit to hop up and out. Next it was off to some green trails. Starting with "Lazy Mile" which we did with our guide in the morning, then off to "Wanderer" which was another nice relaxing trail with nice loamy soil in parts and very few rocks to speak of. Also even though it is an ATV trail, it wasn't much wider than a lot of single track in spots. The last trail I hit isn't named yet, but its another green trail, and a little more challenging than the other green trails. This brought me back out at the registration area around 2:00 so I decided to call it a day.

I didn't try any of the red trails, only because I was riding solo, and wasn't sure what I would run into being in an unfamiliar area.

All in all it was a great day, but any day riding is a great day, so that goes without saying. The park is around 1200 acres, and you could see where they are currently working on new trails before they open. Currently, you could easily hit all the trails in a day, but with the new trails that should change.

If enough people have or are willing to get the needed liability insurance, I think this would be a good possibility for some Damn Yankee rides. I know I will be back, and will most likely buy the season pass. But that is also because it is close for me and easy to get to. This of course doesn't mean I wont make my weekly ventures to Paragon when they reopen, but its always nice to have a closer alternative.


Dec 5, 2004
Hi Dan,

Sounds great, anything closer to Long Island is always good for the NY guys.

is there a web site or do you know the cost for day and season pass.




Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
Web site is being worked on, as for prices, they are still deciding on that also.


Nov 30, 2001
If you go to's forum you will find all the info. The prices are a little steep, but it's closer to me, so I will ride there.


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
but the prices have changed 3-4 times, so the prices listed there are not set in stone.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Oskar said:
If you go to's forum you will find all the info. The prices are a little steep, but it's closer to me, so I will ride there.
It's (not .com)

Sounds like some cool trials. I take it the place is just west of Stroudsburg? I guess I have to check into liability insurance. Thanks for the report Dan :)


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
I'll post where it is after they open. you never know who is going to read this, and they dont need people sneaking in to check it out.


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
Ohhh and they do have a submarine testing ground for trigger :cool:


Nov 30, 2001
Sorry for the .com mistake. I got a quote for 2 bikes liability insurance $132.00 for the year. If this place stays open year round it's definately worth it.


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
yes they are supposed to be open year round

Sounds like you got a quote from rider, that would be their price for the 2 bikes also. Mine is 150 a year for 2 bikes, but the 450 is a little higher than the 200
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