

Oct 31, 2001
Guys and Gals,
After reading through some of the posts today I thought that is was time to discuss some maintenance tips.

New Bike: Bring it home, dump the fuel, drain the oil. Then start tearing it down and grease all of the bearings, links, pivot points etc. Buy a can of ANTI-SEIZE and use it on every nut, bolt, screw.

Even brand new there is basicially no grease in the bearings, and without lubrication the bearings will corrode and fail. The anti-seize helps to prevent galling and stripped bolts/screws.

If you bought a used bike do the same thing except it will probably take longer because you will find something wrong or parts that need to be replaced. And after a while of ownership repeat the process as neccesary.

At the end of the midwest riding season all of my bikes go into the basement for major maintenance i.e top ends, tires, lubrication. I have five MX bikes that I need to maintain, and every one is torn down, parts replaced, lubed and prepped for the next season. If you are experiencing rusted or hard to remove nuts and bolts then you are not MAINTAINING your bike, you merely own and ride one.

Racing/Riding on the weekends is the FUN part after the WORK and MAINTENACE has been done during the week. I am trying to impress this concept onto my kids. There is no FUN without some WORK.

Just my 0.02 :aj:


May 11, 2003

I may be in the minority here, but I actually really enjoy wrenching/working on my bike. "Work time" on my bike is actually a nice break. What i dont like is being 20 yrs old being halfway through college and being absolutely broke. I can think of half a dozen things on my bike that need to be fixed/replaced, but just lacking the $.


Oct 31, 2001
I enjoy working on the bikes as well. It is MY time away from the wife and kids :ohmy: . But the point of this post is that dirt bikes need maintenance, and lots of it in order to keep these machines operating properly.

Don't worry about the money that will come with time. And then your spouse will spend it :ugg: .

I am fortunate to be in a position that I finally can spend money on the bikes, and most of the time my wife thinks that I spend too much time and too much money on the bikes :laugh: . Right now I have ten bikes at my house, she says that I an obsessed.

I don't think so, I just love to race and ride and hopefully my kids will enjoy the sport as much as I do :aj: .


Mar 8, 2004

hahaha i know exactly what you mean...i need the money too
Mar 18, 2004
Unfortunately some of us live in apartments and it becomes difficult finding a spot to work on the bikes. The underground parking lot is warm but rather dark with no plugs for a light. I usually use the back alley behind the building, which tends to be cold and windy, not to mention I can't do big jobs or leave tools laying around.

If I had a proper place to work on my bike I don't think I'd neglect it as much as it would likely be running far better than it is now (see my post titled: RM 250 fouls up spark plugs-need advice)
Yet as hard as it is, I still manage the basics. Any sacrifice you make is worth the time out on the track. Yet though, you folks with a nice garage have no idea how lucky you are.
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