Midwest Dirt Week '01


Mar 25, 2001
The group I am attending Dirt Week with have a few questions about arriving at the track in Casey. Our Dirt Week passes are for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. My question is we want to be there for Eric's seminar Thursday morning so we want to leave KC Wednesday evening around 7pm which would put us in Casey around 2am so we can get some sleep before we do a hard day of riding but our hotel reservations are for Thursday night and Friday night. Is there some where we can park and just sleep in the truck for a while at the track or are going to have to pay camping fees for those 4 or 5 hours?

Also, I have a 3 rail bike trailer and am a little worried about security while parked at the hotel. Is there any kind of storage shed at the track to store the bikes for a small fee or do you guys have any suggestions for securing them to the trailer so I can actually sleep at night.

Thanks for the help.


Dec 31, 1969
Yes, you can pull into the track in the middle of the night... no camping fees.
As far as the trailer, leave it with us at the park, I assure you, the stuff is safe. There will be bikes all over the place. If it makes you feel better, get a long cable lock and lock all the bikes together.
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