Milky Oil in KDX Tranny


Aug 24, 2002
Hi folks,
My first post on this site. Seems like a great spot for KDX entusiasts.
My neighbor and I just bought older KDXs as spares and are really impressed by them. His is a '90 and mine is a '97. When he bought his the oil was kind of milky like it had been contaminated with coolant. It had been sitting for a long time so we figured it was condensation. He changed the oil took it for a 5 minute spin and it was milky again. I saw this on another KDX I had looked at so the problem seems to be fairly common.
So any of you with experience I would like to know what the problem turned out to be and what the solution was for this apparent coolant infiltration.

Thanks alot


Dec 3, 2001
The seal for the cooling pump is bad. To replace this is pretty easy, I think, for my bike its real easy. First take off the pump cover and then the fin. See if you can remove the seal from here. If you can't, see if you can take part of the crankcase off. On my bike you can without having to remove the engine. Then you should be able to easily take the seal off, you should probably replace the bearing for the pump while your at it.


Dec 14, 2001
After submerging my CR250 in a river, I had grey milky looking transmission oil for ages afterwards. I changed the oil loads of times before it started to look right again. Still worked though.

fast 200

Jul 24, 2002
yes it can if your getting coolant or water in the oil you wouldent want water in your oil in your car would you no! im almost sure your water pump shaft seal is warn out. doesent cost much and easy to do........

p.s do it just like glitch said


Aug 25, 2000
Change the water pump shaft seal now - as stated in other replys it is easy. You will be in trouble when you start finding cereal like pieces in your milk. ;)


Aug 11, 2002
Are you sure it is coolant in the oil? The oil in my brand new 2002 KDX200 was a little milky looking after the first ride! I think that unless you are losing coolant(more oil in the case and less coolant in the rad) the cause is probably just air mixing into the oil. Let it sit overnight and see if it still looks milky.


Jul 4, 2002
My '93 looked milky when I bought it. I changed it twice and every time after I ride to see what would happen. Even with clean oil at the beginning of my run it became frothed up after running 20 miles or so, but by the time I unloaded it at home it looked clear. Oil floats on water so there could still be water in there. Upon draining the oil I could not see anything other than oil. On the other hand if when I got home and the motor had cooled it was still milky I would be suspect a leaky seal.
Change it, run it, change it again in a jar or something that gives you good visablity and see what you get.

Canadian Dave

Super Power AssClown
Apr 28, 1999
Change the oil after the first three rides to ensure everything is flushed out. If its still milky then I'd expect you'll need to change the water pump seal. Its an easy job and doesn't require splitting the case, just remove the lg clutch cover. When you pull the impeller off check and ensure the spacer/washer is still behind it. Its not uncommon for people to disassemble the water pump and forget to reinstall it or just not know where it goes so leave it out.

A second point you could be getting water into the transmission is the seal on top the clutch actuating arm. If the seal is bad it will leak water at water crossing or when you are washing the bike. If the seal is bad be sure to inspect the shaft where the seal and shaft contact each other. If the shaft is badly grooved replacing just the seal won't fix the problem; you'll need to replace the shaft too.

Hope that helps,



Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Alll great advice: I would do as Speedy said - drain the oil while it is milky and put some in a glass quart jar. Then let it sit over night and see how much water is in the bootm of the jar the next day.. If it is coolant (colored) by ALL means DO NOT RUN your bike!!! Replace the waterpump seal as mention!!! If it is not coolant check your tranny breather tube for blockage - condensation must have a way of escape!!!
2 pennies


Feb 6, 2001
This is ironic..... Bikes (HON, YAM, SUZ, etc) without a sight glass rarely have problems with "milky" fluids. Is there a chance they all have the same effects, but only since we can SEE the fluid in our K bikes, we sense this as a problem? I once replaced a water pump twice in a KX125 for this, and now I wonder???


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
""This is ironic..... Bikes (HON, YAM, SUZ, etc) without a sight glass rarely have problems with "milky" fluids. Is there a chance they all have the same effects, but only since we can SEE the fluid in our K bikes, we sense this as a problem? I once replaced a water pump twice in a KX125 for this, and now I wonder???""
Hey ACGUY - VERY GOOD POINT!! Isnt it amazing how easy it can be to overlook the obvious thought!!! Man, the older I get the more profound life becomes!!
Again, if there was a "hats off" icon YOU would get it!!


Aug 24, 2002
Thanks All for the good info. I beleive the seal is bad. He poured the oil into a jar and it was like Elmer's glue.
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