Missouri Rd 15


Sep 14, 2001
Well, the 2nd to the last Missouri Hare Scramble held at Smithville Lake in Smithville, Missouri was a good one. Clay County parks department gave the promoter a good piece of ground next to a Golf course and the lake. There was 6.5 miles of trail and .6 miles of grass track which was near the spectator and pit area. bat boy and i rode a quick practice lap which resulted in a small crash for bat boy but more tweaked bars. we straightened him out and were soon ready to race. Carl D. got a helment cam for his birthday(42) and we strapped it on him for his run at the A class. I lined up on the Vet row and looked down the line and there were bike galore. I think there was 29 vets riding and all of the classes were full. the AA class took off and Doug Stone was out front and gone. steve levain was near the back but he knew he had 2 hours. Carls row took off and he got and excellent view of the A start since he was near the back. 1 rider went down but was back up and gone. We were row 6 and I was getting pumped. I knew I had to get up front and ride hard as there are points at stake!. I pulled the holeshot and ran with it. I caught the 200 b riders as soon as we hit a creek section about 1 mile into the course. I made the bast of trying to pass but the school teacher soon hunted me down. i rode hard and he got me around mile 5 when I chose a bad line. I rode with him but he was soon out of sight. i really was working at holding a pace that was at my limit but I got caught midway through the 2nd lap by Steve Crews. i finished the 2nd lap in 2nd but overtook me when i chose another bad line on a downhill around mile 3 on the 3rd lap. I hounded him and on the 4th lap Elston caught us and it was a battle. Lap 4 and lap 5 was a full out motocross and I rode my butt off trying to catch crews. I finally got around him when he tangled with a lapper. I did not realize it was him until i rode into the scoring lane and he was right behind me and Elston was 20 seconds behind him. I got 2nd behind the teach and now have to finish 3rd or better at the next race to win the champeenship!
1 casualty at this race..Cindy Barnett tore her knee up on an off camber up hill rocky section. They hauled her away in the ambulance but she was not severely hurt.
Hats off to the promoters for a fine trail and excellent grass track that i was able to pass many people on to keep traffic between me and Elston.
Bat Boy pulled the holeshot in the JR class and finished 8th out of 30. he rode 3 laps and held on to the big boys! :aj:
Big Fun


Jul 28, 1999
Nice riding, Ruck - you was haulin'! Hope Knob Noster happens in October...doesn't take much rain to make that creek impassable. I'll be rooting for you.
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