More Laws=More Crime=More Money.


Dec 16, 2006
Respect property

I went riding and found a party site with litter this is on state land where people like to ride thier off road vehicles. this is a prime example of giving the dnr a reason to close of another riding spot. people who disrespect property ruin it for the rest of us I find this less than amusing I say pack in pack out.
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Jul 31, 2006
well if every one would pick up all there trash and a few more things we could keep it alot cleaner + i mean its not that hard


Jan 26, 2007
The people who are junking up our riding areas generally are not reading these forums. And realistically they are not reading at all. I honestly believe that once we make our bikes much quieter then we will see alot less of our riding being restricted.

I love loud bikes but the reality is that it has been hurting offroad riding for the past 20 years.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
If you and a few of your friends could take the time to clean up the debris it would go a long way to help. I know this is simple and it takes time but better than loosing another place to ride. You might want to take pictures and the names of those helping so you can inform the DNR of your clean up work. Maybe make a sign and post it. Volunteering in this way will help to keep riding areas open and hopefully reduce the amount of debris left by others. Good luck.


Oct 17, 2006
leave no trace

I agree with Bswift... Pick up the trash, even if it is not your own.

It may just happen that somebody may see your actions and think it is pretty cool...perhaps they might emulate you in the future.

It is never too early or late for any of us to initiate an attitude of "leave no trace" or "leave the riding area in a condition that is better than when you first arrived". :nod:

Good Thread you started here.



Jan 27, 2000

Excellent recommendation. :cool:

May I also suggest that you contact your local newspaper and find out who the Human Interest Story Editor is. Contact them and have them come out and do a story and take pictures when your group does the clean-up. Most of these people are constantly looking for a story to write about. Explain to them that it is not the motorcycles that haul all of this junk into the forest but the four wheelers and quad billys.

If there is no one interested at the newspaper, then write the story yourself and send it in to the letters to the editor section.

The DNR most likely knows who the troublemakers are. Its the general public that needs to be educated since they tend to group us all together.

It's up to us to make the effort and show who the responsible ones are. :nod:
Mar 6, 2007
Yeah, a small group of you attracting attention to your good deeds will go a long way in changing the opinions of riders in general.


Mar 19, 2007
screw restricted riding. The only places in my town you can ride are all pretty much restricted to ride a motor vehicle on, BUT we still do it anyways, I myself dont own a bike yet but all my buddies who do still ride where they please and if the ENV. PO'S show up they have a little fun and play cops and robbers with the EP'S and the env. police love it, they will have a couple explorers chasing everyone around on the fire trails out in the state forest and then you see one of them come up on a qaud. I myself beast my durango in the state forest all the time where is restricted and still have yet to be fined. just man up and take off, the EP'S around here love those little chases.


Jan 27, 2000

Do us all a favor and NEVER buy a dirtbike. It is jackasses like yourself that make it much harder to keep the land that we have open. Many people work very hard to convince the public that we are not a bunch of nit wit kids and then someone like you comes along and convinces them otherwise. :|

Please go away. People like you are not wanted on this site.



Jan 27, 2000
chris61988kb said:
im sorry bro but i plan on buying one this week :nener:

Please do not come on this site suggesting that people run from the authorities. If you continue to do so, you will be banned from the site.

Many people on this site spend countless hours attending boring city and county meetings in an effort to keep our trails and riding areas open. When we are at these meetings, someone from the other side will usually produces a letter or email from someone like you. This makes the rest of us look like a bunch of idiots.

The people that are against our sport use the internet to find posts like this and then read them at the meetings. You can have 15-20 or more people stand up and speak about the benifits and the good of dirt riding. Then, one person from the other side will read a post from some site that suggests we roost the hikers and horseback riders and run from the authorities. It only takes one of those types of letters or posts to unravel all of the efforts of the other speakers.

People like you are destroying our sport. You are causing countless acres of open land to be closed off to the public. Please grow up or go away.
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