Most Bang For Buck


Feb 22, 2004
I am looking to get some more out of my KDX220. I have pipe, jetted, airbox and all the usual mods. I am looking to get the RB designs carb bore, Delta Force 3 reeds and maybe shave some off the head by RB designs as well.... Is this worth the money? Any input will be appreciated.


Mar 3, 2003
I wasnt aware we could get the V-Force3. From what I have read the RB mod and suspension mods are the best buys...


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
I've made all those improvements plus more. The biggest bang? My EFM auto clutch. Having perfect clutch operation for every occasion has taken my riding to a new level. It's almost Zen. Trail sections that would cause me to have to work up courage and concentrate on visualizing me making the obstical, are now a thing of the past. (well, almost). I now deliberately seek out the worst possible lines. For example, riding a ridge line up from a valley or river bottom and fearing that you may slip off into a ravine are now looked forward to. I deliberately head into the ravine, cross it, and ride back up the other side. Or just stop right there at the bottom of the ravine, chuckle and motor on out.
Don't get me wrong, all the other mods, the RB carb, head / squish band shaping, the KX front suspension the RaceTech gold valves, the flywheel weight, the tire selection, steering stabilizer, fat bars, pipe, spark arrester, etc., all made for a much faster and better handling machine. But the EFM auto clutch now lets me use all these mods without stalling, misshifting, bogging, or get tired and sloppy with the manual clutch. It allows me to have confidence and focus more on the trail and my throttle control Knowing that I don't need to worry about a dead bike at a very bad time.
I can now enter a corner with a full rear wheel lockup, and while holding the brake, apply some throttle and right as I exit the corner, release the brake and get launched out of the turn.
I could go on and on like this. (Oh, I guess I have) but my point is not so much just dictating to you which mod is the most bang for the buck, but also why I think that way. Hope this helps.


Oct 14, 1999
So....what do you think about the EFM clutch? Have any particular opinion? ;)

No DF-3s for the KDX, so there is some money saved!

The biggest 'bang for the buck' is setting the suspension you have properly. That's the 'biggest' because it's free. Set the shock sag and shock/fork clickers.

The next would probably be jetting. Brass doesn't cost much. You say that's done already.

Respring the forks for your weight/riding style.

Ron's carb modification is definitely worth the money. You might consider the extra $$ for an air striker replacement with a modification by RB-Designs .

Although this could easily happen with the fork respring (if you send them out), a fork revalve will do wonders...although that's quite a few $$ (so I don't know that it fits in the 'best bang' category) it is a worthwhile investment in your riding fun.

If by 'bang' you mean making the 220 work up just bought the wrong bike.



Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
I'm sorry, was I drooling?
Of course a properly set up stock bike is the first area you should be looking to improve. As CC said, proper jetting, and fork / shock adjustments will make huge differences. Before making other mods that are affective for you, AKA Bang, be sure you have maxed out the capacity of the origional component first. What I mean is, if you are riding well enough to tap out the suspension more than just occasionally, then look at suspension mods. If it's low RPM torque your needing more of because you are constantly hitting that as a wall, then look at the type of pipe you have, flywheel weight, reeds, etc. If overall horse power is where you are needing more headroom for riding, then perhaps the carb mod / upgrade or a porting / head reshape is in order. In any case, if you are not taxing these systems and just want to improve your riding skills without tons of practice, or would like to ride more technical trails without crashing so much, then the auto clutch is where you might think about an upgrade.
P.S. The auto clutch is the first mod I've installed that makes me feel I have to ride my bike every evening when I get home. I like it that much. Other mods, well they helped but could wait until the next scheduled riding date. Not so with the AC. I can't leave it alone. It is so cool to sling my leg over the seat, kick start her up, in gear, and just crank the gas and go. Next race with a dead engine start should be a treat.


Oct 14, 1999
When youse guys get up here for a ride maybe I can bribe you for a test spin. I just can't see spending that kind of money to lose my clutch. I'm not saying that it's not a great modifcation...I just can't imagine it is all.

Oh ye of small and narrow mind.

( your bike harder, easier or unchanged when it comes to starting in gear?

What does it take to put your autoclutch in a new basket? If/when the fingers get hammered (that still happens? No?) do you have to buy another basket in addition to sending it back to be 'fixed'?

What are you using for friction plates?


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Seems easier to start in gear as I could never get it started in gear before. (Well, that was before the RB modded AirStryker that is) Bike starts in gear with two quick pokes to the kicker, one right after the other. If throttle is open any at all and I'm not holding the front brake, she'll take off.

If I need a new basket, it will need to go to EFM first for some drilling and tapping. No way someone could do it by hand. He has a CNC machine to do this. BTW the pressure plate is completely milled on a CNC. I must be easy on my clutchs because there was almost no hammering on my basket when I sent it in. Synth oil perhaps?! Don't know.

Friction and steel plates are stock and not modified at all. Mine showed and measured well within spec. other than the two steel plates I buggered up.

Of course you will give it a test ride. I am anxious to get your take on the bike overall. Doug is up there right now, or somewheres around there. He called me from Turtle Bay on Monday and said he was going up to Long....something or other to look at property to buy for retirement. If you see a new red corvette with California plates with an old guy driving wearing a curly mullet and a blonde in the passenger seat, that's him. You will know it's him for sure if he starts talking as he is Scottish and sounds like Willy the janitor on The Simpsons. He's up that way for 2 weeks while he waits for his clutch to get back, (yup, one ride and he had to have it too) and for his cylinder and head to get back from eric gorr. (Why he thinks that KX 500 needs more power... got me...).
I thought we were going up soon until I got the phone call Monday. As soon as he gets back, I'll bug him about it. If he's not ready to go soon, I will be planning anyway, since I have some friends in Shasta to see within the next couple of months. (Around Thanksgiving?) And since I will be that far, I might as well take the bike along, right? How far from Shasta to your riding areas? Is it doable on a day trip or an overniter?
P.S. Sorry to hijack your thread kdxluver but, hey, you're not far from me, if interested in a trip to oregon, I've got room on the trailer. Think about it and let me know.
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Feb 22, 2004

Well I might be headed in a new direction. I have done some suspension mods but never thought about the auto clutch. It sounds like it might be the ticket. I have always wanted to go riding up towards Oregon. It is about a 7 or 8 hour drive. No problem for me. That just screams ROAD TRIP!!!!!!
Thanks, everyone for all the input. Keep me posted on the Oregon trip, as I am very interested in doing a trip with a KDX rider. Everyone I ride with has big bore 4 Strokes, and around these parts the KDX is a dying breed.


Oct 14, 1999
A local dirt bike organization:

puts on a poker run scheduled for the end of October. It's a fun ride with lots of folks. It will give you a good taste of the Johns Peak area AND you will have folks sweeping the trails looking for dead riders, too! Johns Peak is not (is anywhere?) the place to take off by yourself. For one, you WILL get lost at worst or just go around in circles at best.

Anytime you want to come up this way, let me know. Keep in mind that Johns Peak is closed during the summer due to fire restrictions and some winters can be flat nasty riding. If you want to ride in the snow or after a night of 0º weather following a big rain it won't be with me as a tour guide! Prospect OHV (nothing technical but fun anyway) opens in July. Has been open all summer this year. It closes in the fall.


Dec 30, 2003
No question about it - EFM is the way to go. Dare I say was I the first here with it???

If you have done the pipe, box, suspension etc and have some bucks to burn - DO IT.

There just is no downside. It is sort of like having a mini-Fredette riding up on your handlebars working your clutch; only you dont have to feed him.


Nov 18, 2002
moridin said:
It is sort of like having a mini-Fredette riding up on your handlebars working your clutch; only you dont have to feed him.

That would be sight to see. Makes me want to get one of those bobble head dolls and put Jeff's head on it and mount it on my bike ;)



Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
I'm entered for this:
So I'll be ready anytime between the 6th of November (a week off to wrench and rehabilitate) and the 28th of November. I'll try and get Doug to join and if kdxluver is interested, well, I'm headed that way dude. Let me know what you and Wibby find convienant. BTW I also have the 12th off as well as the whole week of Thanksgiving although I can take vacation anytime. After Thanksgiving is fine too. Kids are not coming home for the holidays but ski season will be starting around then and I always have to grab first chair of the season. Prefer the technical stuff but not scare the poop out of you stuff. Single track most definately and avoid fireroads where I can. Thanks CC!
P.S. I'll open up CC's hospitality to everyone. Let's get as many as we can to invade his stompin' grounds! (That's o.k. isn't it?)


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Just read your link CC, for the poker run. If the 49er is cancelled or delayed due to conditions, that would work too. You and Wib going to be there? I want to be sure we have time to try each others bikes as well as chat and if your working the event, I don't know if we will get the chance.


Oct 14, 1999
Sure! C'mon up!! I'll let you know as things develop. Fire restrictions..rescheduling, weather and stuff.


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Awright!!!!!! Kaleforneya (say that with the Arnold accent) plans invasion of OrEGone. News at 11.
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