
Sep 19, 2003
What are the differences between these bikes? They look roughly the same. I am curious because I am about to buy a bike soon and I will probably be doing an even split between trail riding and track riding and I was wondering which type of bike would be better to get. I won't be doing any serious racing either just going around the track for fun.


Mi. Trail Riders
Nov 14, 2002
i'd say get an mx bike. they're pretty good for trails, when you learn to ride them for trails. just get a spark arrestor. Trust me you'll be thankful for the suspension.


Apr 17, 2002
A trail bike will not be able to handle the jumps on a motocross track. I have seen too many good trail riders try to ride their bikes on tracks going big on every jump and then crashing because thier suspension just can't take it.

I was split 50/50 also and chose an MX bike because the MX bike can adapt better to offroad better than vice versa. If you ride mostly trail then the soft suspension will be a god-send just be careful when you hit the track.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
I too enjoy a MX bike, but if you live in CA, all new MX bikes are red stickered and the trail bikes are green.. :think:


Jul 19, 2002

What type of experience do you have riding? If you are a beginner, the YZ isn't the best choice.
Are you looking at the YZ 125 or 250? That makes a big difference in the woods and trails.

Before you go buy a YZ look at the KDX 200. It is an awesome all around bike for the pleasure rider. It can go in the woods and trails very well, and easily handle the track for a "just for fun" rider. it is much easier to ride and learn on tha a YZ and cost is much less. Plus as you get better and desire more from a bike, the KDX can take on some very simple Modifications to make it a juiced machine. Do yourself a favor and at least look at the KDX


Sep 19, 2003
I rode for about 5 years till I was forced to go off to college. Now that I am done I am ready to start riding again. I will look at the KDX but I don't know anyone who has one to let me test ride it. I am kind of nervous about buying a bike I have never had a chance to test out before. How is the KDX suspension in regards to decent sized jumps?


Sep 19, 2003
Forgot to mention that although I have a decent amount of experience on mx bikes. I have never been on a trail bike, hence the curiosity.


Jul 19, 2002
The KDX is going to be an excellant trails bike. Better low end power and easier to ride at low speeds in the woods. In stock form the KDX will take jumps fine. Suspension is one of the areas that could use some adjustments in the KDX. But with alittle work it can run on the track and jump just fine. I have read posts of guys jumping them 50-60 feet. I stop at about 30 feet(just because i'm a chicken). The YZ is an excellant MX bike and might need some adjustments to ride in the woods. Flywheel weight ect.......

If I was to choose, If it was between the YZ 125 or the KDX 200, I'd take the KDX 200. If it was between the YZ250 or the KDX 200, I think I'd go for the YZ250.

However, If you are sold on the MX bike. Also look at the KX125 & KX250. Their power bands seem to be a better match for the combination rider of woods and MX. Power bands seem to favor the low to midrange.


Nov 11, 2002
Originally posted by scuzzlebutt
I rode for about 5 years till I was forced to go off to college. Now that I am done I am ready to start riding again. that we've graduated from college we're too old for MX bikes? :scream: LOL Just kiddin' :p ; Hey, good luck with whatever you decide, and have fun!

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