Mounting up my Trelleborg spikes


Jul 21, 1999
My wife bought me a set of Trelleborg spikes for winter riding. I'm waiting on a 19" rear wheel assembly from KTM to mount the back one so I haven't tried working with them yet. I did notice on the sidewall of the rear one that it said something about being sure to follow the Trelleborg installation and maintenance instructions. No instructions came with the tires.

Does anyone know if there is some special way to mount and/or care for these? I've heard they are a pain to mount and they look like they will be as the rubber looks very hard. So I'm expecting a fight but I'm not worried about winning it. :)


Rick H

Nov 6, 2000
I've used these spikes for several years. New tires mounts pretty easy but after 4-5 years the rubber gets real hard and they don't stretch so easy. Have plenty of band aids availible as I'm usually a bloody mess when I get done. I mount the tires like any other tire but wrap towels around the spikes so it doesn't cut the intertube during mounting. Another tip that might be helpful is to cover the tires in your garage, it only takes a slight brush to draw blood (happens to my wife at LEAST once a winter).


May 20, 2001
You can use a hot-air gun (I don't know the real name, it's like a hairdryer but hotter) to make the rubber a bit softer. You may have to use more iron than you're used to.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
jeb - You can buy ice tire wraps. They're made by Moose and I know Dennis Kirk (at one time) carried them. Jeff Fredette may also sell them too.

I heated my ice tires in front of a propane heater before mounting them. Studded tires aren't as bad as mounting tires with ice screws, but wear some heavy-duty gloves, like welders gloves. One slip with the tire spoon can open up a nasty gash. Take your time and be patient.


Nov 24, 2001

;) Been using them for alot of years and the part about the tires betting stiff after a few years is very true also the heat gun works very well. One suggestion I can make is to try a pair of thin work gloves to slow the BLEEDING down. But a tire changer from habor freight makes the whole world shine! This little beauty is the cats ass. Get used to bleeding for your sport when you mount up your tires because you will be one of the few that are out there riding while your friends are sitting at home with ther wife yakking in your ear. When the conditions are right these babies are like riding on velcro!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p


Jul 21, 1999
Thanks guys. I got them on this weekend. I bought a seperate set of KTM SX Excel wheel sets for the tires so I intend to leave them on those rims permanently. They really weren't that hard to mount. Wear good leather gloves and be a bit careful. They look awesome but I haven't tried them out yet.


Oct 31, 2001
trelleborg winter tires

What are the best conditions for these tires?
I know White Bros. used to sell these but I dont see them in the new cat.
Where can I get a set.


Jul 21, 1999
Re: trelleborg winter tires

Originally posted by rollingp
What are the best conditions for these tires?
I know White Bros. used to sell these but I dont see them in the new cat.
Where can I get a set.

Best conditions are frozen ground. You could probably run them anywhere but you'd ruin some VERY expensive tires doing that. I hear they work great on ice too but they're not really a straight up ice tire.

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