MT Fires (taken with a cheapo digital cam)


Apr 21, 2006
Now that the fires are out (or nearly so) we are breathing a sigh of relief (and taking the time to get back on DRN again!)

This is a pic of the Derby Fire, taken from the Big Timber, MT airport. This is only one small section of the fire, burning up one of my favorite local trail riding areas (Lower Deer Creek). This fire burnt over 200,000 acres over 26 days (to give some perspective...this picture was taken from over 15 miles away from the fire).

Here's an interesting photo...this is a very happy (and lucky and skilled) pilot in front of his downed "Super Huey". He was fighting the nearby Jungle Fire last week when he suffered an apparent engine failure, and had no place to land except IN the West Boulder River. Talk about threading the needle. He did a bit of tree trimming on the way down (see bushes to the left of the helo as well as "trimmed" limbs to the left of the pilot on the foreground.
(photo by Dwayne McKinney)
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