Mr. Clean

Nov 8, 2001
Some friends and I will be camping at muenster this weekend on the 16, 17, and 18th (sat-mon) and I would like to say hello to any who may be there at the same time. We will camp back where the rocks and hills are at the tree line. Access it at the third gate. Get the combination from Mrs. Harris when you pay or just ride out there if you know where I'm talking about! See ya'll there!

Your ridin' bud Kurt

Bob Brooks

Jan 6, 2001
A group of us from Illinois will be down there this weekend. We'll be riding at Muenster on Sunday for sure, possibly Saturday. There will be 9 of us from Illinois, plus another group from Oklahoma. We should be easy to spot, a bunch of KTMs with Illinois license plates on the transport vehicles.


Aug 20, 2000

Well I should be there and so will XRBoy .....we were there last weekend....good riding man !! So I hope it doesnt rain too much this weekend.....what time are you guys gonna get there Sunday ? we should be there between 9:30 and 10:30 hope to see you there .....Also wanted to talk to you about those Orange bikes..... good luck in Durant

And no we never found him...:p


Nov 2, 2001
If I can get everyone's butt out of bed early enough we should be there about the same time if not a bit earlier. It should take us about 2 hours to get there from Durant. We'll be at Lake Murray on Saturday. We were thinking of doing the Durant track on Monday, but maybe since it's such a ass kicker we'll stick to something more a little easier! :moon:

I know there are quite a few areas in north Texas that are close to Muenster. Any worth riding?
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Nov 2, 2001
We arrived in Durant, OK on Friday night and then proceeded to Lake Murray on Saturday. It was warm and sunny. The temp was perfect! The area was prime for a "break in" ride. Most of the guys in our group hadn't ridden in sand and the trails were not intimidationg for those with less experience. We split up into different riding levels and played at our leisure.

I had the fortune to ride with several swift additions to the group (the Hornbrook bros. and Bill, the fastest DRZ 400 rider I've ever seen) and we finally met up with Bob & Anne Brooks and crew from the Chicago area (which turned out to be quite humorous in the end). In all, it was a very entertaining ride that day and we had a relaxing dinner afterwards.

The next day was what everyone was looking forward to. We had another perfect day for the ride at Muenster. We were joined by MTrider & XRboy from Dallas, several other riders from the Dallas/FW area and low and behold....the Brooks crew! Again we split up....unintentionally this time, and started roosting. Half of our gang didn't see each other for the remainder of the day! Thanks to John and several other extremely quick AA riders we took the "quick" tour of the Red River trails and had little time to observe the beautiful scenery. The trails were tight and fast and we didn't get to relax until the "hillclimbs" in the afternoon. This is where we witnessed an incredible event that I wish I had gotten on film. The sight of a new 300 MX/C being catapulted up a near vertical 70' climb was enough. But, to see it land at the top with nary a scratch while the rider landed perfectly on a one foot square ledge 10' below was witnessing a miracle. None of us could believe our eyes! We ended the afternoon with a great German meal at the Center and then headed up to OK City. At the hotel who do we run into, but the Chicago gang (thanks again for the brews Anne!). :)

After a good night's sleep, we set out for the only unknown on the tour, Lake Stanley Draper, east of OK City. I was surprised to meet up with Loren and his buddy Rick as we came into the area (DRNers seem to pop up in the strangest places!). They were good enough to wait for us and show us some of the best trails. And what a surprise.....we met up with the Chicago gang again. I know we intended to ride together, but never got the chance. Hopefully we will again soon! The trails at Draper were much more than I and the rest of the guys had expected. The sweeping bermed trails were a blast and the deep sand in some of the areas proved to be a definate challenge. Like I told Rick....we plan on getting together for another ride there soon.

All in all, we had a fantastic experience and met some great people! I just wish we had another few days to ride some of the other offerings in the area. But, thanks to everyone who hooked up with us. You all made it a very memorable ride.

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Jan 17, 2001
I ditto what Rick said. All in all the trip was a blast. On Friday we rode at a farm in Rush Springs---yes a farm. There was a MX track and a 6 mile loop through the woods. The place was riddled with cows. Most of them stayed off the trails, but one smaller cow wandered into our camp and Kodiak (our Malamute) showed it the way out!:p Bob and 2 other guys ran into a bull at one point and waited until the big guy got out of their way! Smart move.

I loved Lake Murray, fast sweeping trails, technical, but not too technical. The cabins we stayed at on the lake were extremely nice.

I also loved Muenster. The trails there just went on an on! What a ball. We rode until the last minute before they locked the gates for the night.

We did not know what to expect at Draper either, but the trails turned out to be equally fun. They also went on and on. The red clay was a pretty site. We had a local addition (my guardian angel) join our crew, Jason, who is in the service in OKC and hooked up with us to ride. He was familiar with the trails and the roads (thankfully). We rode for several hours and took a lunch break. Then on our (or my) last run of the day I went down hard. I went over a blind hill and instead of it being a smooth trail, it was a washed out ditch. I did the best I could to slow down, to no avail. My front tire planted and pitched me over the bars! As I was flying through the air (upside down), I thought "this is going to hurt." The bike clipped my leg and sent my left leg to the side (its not supposed to go that way is it?) and I felt like a water balloon had burst. Then I hit the ground and the bike hit me again. Poor Bob had to witness this from behind and felt totally helpless. He and the other guys got me out of the ditch and removed my boot. Then moved me to stable ground before removing my pants to reveal I had injured my knee. This is where Jason took control (he had a cell phone) and called 911. He knew the roads, so he directed the ambulance to come to where I was. :(

Jason also came to the hospital with Bob and offered a place to stay if they had to keep me over night, and to help wash our bikes, rearrange the van so I could extend my leg for the ride home. He was true guardian angel that day!

I go for an MRI this a.m. and will find out the results on Tuesday when I go back to the doctor.

I have a good attitude about the whole thing---it could have been much worse!

In addition, I was riding the new KTM 200 so well all weekend, that I cannot wait to ride it again--regardless of the stupid mistake I made! I guess it is a good thing we can't ride in Illinois yet. Hopefully by the time riding season rolls around, I will be able to get on the pumpkin again!

I sure ended our trip with a bang! But it was fun while it lasted!


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