Must read: New ORV Policy Released


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
So now we are being accused of “fragmenting wildlife habitat and spreading invasive weeds”? As I always say, why do deer hang out on the runway at the airport if they are sensitive to noise?

I appears to me that they are proposing a system like we have here in the lower peninsula of Michigan…………for the whole country. It’s very sad because it has resulted in congestion and severe damage in several concentrated areas. That’s sad because it just provides more visible ammo for the special interest groups that would like to see us all just go away.



Mar 10, 2004
I fail to see how restricting ORV's to existing trails / roads and "areas" poses any risk to our hobby. You shouldn't be going off the trails anyways.


Mar 6, 2002
It will restrict you to "designated" trails only. Then when the trails become to damaged or overgrown due to neglect by the forest service, you will not be able to ride on them or they will close them down permanently. It is happening already in Louisiana. They really don't want us on the land because it is another hassle they have to manage. Speak up. Call in your comments before you lose your favorite riding place.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
xTYBALTx said:
I fail to see how restricting ORV's to existing trails / roads and "areas" poses any risk to our hobby. You shouldn't be going off the trails anyways.

Until the early nineties, Michigan’s “forest roads” (two trackers, logging roads, trails, etc.) were designated as “open unless posted closed” to OHV traffic.

This applied to the National Forest lands in our state………public land……………..taxpayer owned and maintained.

That regulation changed and now reads “closed unless posted open” for the lower peninsula (da’ UP remains “open unless posted closed”). Granted, we have a pretty good supply of posted and maintained trails in Michigan but it is a small fraction of what used to be available. The way we sidestep the regulation is to have a “street-legal” bike. Then you are riding a “motorcycle” and not a OHV. However, riding opportunities for kids or those without a street legal bike are limited as opposed to what they were 15 years ago.

If this is the way the rest of the country is heading, believe me when I say it will limit your trail-riding freedoms.


May 16, 2004
In the national forest were I ride,[wa. state] not only are the trails marked by difficulty level,they are designated by what can be on them. Such as jeep,and every thing else. Quad ,dirt bike no jeeps.Then dirt bikes no quads, no jeeps. As talking to a ranger a week ago he said the ORV tabs pay for the up keep of trails in the forest. There well maintained by them, and other off road groups. He went on to say that stream crossings are the most important to protect due to the salmon issues.That is why all stream crossings have a wooden bridge on the path.There are hundreds of miles of trails most are remote and used little.Maby the new proposal is going to be modeld after this type of system. I agree with above poster stay on the designated trails, have your spark on. Have fun.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
yortz said:
I agree with above poster stay on the designated trails

Nobody can disagree with the idea of staying on the designated trail.

The questions is, how many designated trails will there be after the proposed regulations are in place? If you are assuming that the trails you describe will always be there, you are underestimating those who oppose our views. They see no use for motorized recreation whatsoever.

BTW, we have many miles of similar trails here in Michigan. All mapped, all marked with designations, all maintained, very nice. However, we lose a few miles every year for various reasons.

Keep your guard up.


Oct 14, 1999
I don't understand.

Maybe you live in a 'open unless posted closed' area. Not around here. It's already 'managed' as the link states which is pretty much 'closed unless posted open.'

And THAT varies hugely with the penchant toward OHVs by a particular ranger of the district (read 'fiefdom') of a particular forest. Taking a step across the boundary from one forest to another will get you into a completely different world. The Rogue NF and Winema NF in this area are examples of that.

The Prospect district of the Rogue NF has an OHV 'system' that is managed. It's fun to visit a couple times a summer...but it IS mostly shared use gravel roads. Some quad track and a couple puny bits of single track (that in some cases you could still get a quad thru if you aren't a timid rider). If you think 'managed' is good, then you maybe enjoy riding on 40' wide gravel roads.

A popular riding area that has been a riding area for over 40 years is going to 'managed' soon by BLM. Yeah..some trails will be maintained better..and whole lot of the area will be closed because if 'impact' of bikes and such.

Funny that for 40 years things have been fine, still are fine. But 'managed' it will be better? :bang:

re: 'I fail to see how restricting ORV's to existing trails / roads and "areas" poses any risk to our hobby'

Snooze on, buddy. You will wake up one day to find you can't buy a hamburger because the gov'mnt has decided it's too bad for you. You'll find you can't buy a few acres of woods and live there, because the gon'mnt has decided that it's not safe to live in the woods!

Oh. Wait..we're already on track to those 'managed' areas.


Apr 9, 2003
All i got to say is that the gov't blows. Nobody should be able to make a policy unless it directly effects on them. If any of the Forest Serivce employees rode ORVs, i bet we wouldnt have this problems. I think we need a few redneck spodes to get invovled in the gov't, things may then go our way! I guess all we can do is ride on and dont get caught. Its not illegal til ya get caught, and if its a good idea go ahead and do it, its easier to apologize than to ask permission!!!


May 17, 2003
"Our" universities pump out these greenies with forestry degrees that go to work for the government. That's why all education should be private. Public education has become a social engineering program, which is what its founders always hoped it would be. Our founding fathers wanted us to be free to engineer our own lives not have the government engineer our behavior through the tax code, "education", etc. As long as we send our kids to be raised by the left wing National Education Association via the government "schools" we'll be watching our rights being eroded away at a more rapid rate. Eliminating anyone from treading on the sacred and delicate land is just one of these issues that the "schools" pound into the young indoctrinees daily. Be smart; break the cycle by not letting them get their hooks into your kids head by not sending them there.

Nice Guy Eddie

Jun 30, 2004
wow, very rare to hear someone bash on the public educational system for being "to green".... interesting points.... hard to prove.... but interesting

I still kinda favor the idea of poaching whatever trails you want (how can they catch you if they can't ride ORV's?..... lol).... am I evil?

Nice Guy Eddie

Jun 30, 2004
lol.... Is Earth Day brought to you by the public education system?...

I have no issue with the statement that there is lots of propaganda against ORV's... I'm just wondering how much of that is coming specifically from the public school system.... that is the part that is hard to prove (not saying it isn't happening either.... just saying I would like more than inuendo behind it)


Dec 30, 2003
here is the problem..caused by about 5% of ohrv riders.

yah,you can bring a 30 pack of bud...just make sure you crush all the cans you leave on the ground, next to your bonfire pit.

watch me blow by this mountain biker, they freak out even more than the people on horses.

speed limit, 0 if your beat machine breaks down, otherwise full throttle...everything will get out of your way with that super loud straight pipe exhaust.

do not think twice about safety equipment or getting hurt...ride like your being chased by a tornado. if you get hurt...just make half the county mobilize emergency services to airlift your carcass to the hospital. all that medical help is free right?

if you see good riding, spend the extra time to knock over that stone wall,tear down the no tresspassing sign, or force open that gate. this is america...go anywhere do anything.

this is the stereotype that most "city " folk and politicians have of ohrv riders. they could care less if you EVER ride your ohrv again anywhere. THINK before you act.


May 17, 2003
Nice Guy Eddie, Earth Day was presented to me by the public school system when the very first one occurred in 1970 (if memory serves). It was a down right celebration in our school.

I would love to go down this rabbit trail with you clear to the end, but the moderators would probably eventually pull this discussion. If you want to get this point proven beyond a shadow of a doubt just go to the NEA web site and read what their positions are on every issue imaginable. Issues like homosexuality, nuclear disarmament, early childhood education (like getting your kid in their hands at 2 and 3 years old), evolution, the environment, the political parties and candidates they support, feminism, abortion, and on and on. I realize that you probably will not go there (or many other numerous sites) and do any research, but I did and it was quite a wake up call to me. Take a chance and get informed. There will be no more "innuendo" in your own mind after you do your home work (pun intended :-) ).

Nice Guy Eddie

Jun 30, 2004
oh, I don't mind a spirited discussion.... and I certainly don't agree with the indoctrination that happens in many public schools (in many ways aside from Earth Day too)... I am certain that many public schools celebrate Earth Day in some fashion or another, but is the school system the cause or a symptom?

I will check out the NEA website and see what you are talking about... any specific links you know of that will help to prove your point?


Oct 14, 1999
Unfortunately such losers have always been around, are around now, will always be around.

If I was God I would'a flooded this joint out (agin) a l-o-n-g time ago.

You don't have an opinion on the matter, do you? ;)

Everything you said could have come straight out of my own mouth and set of just wouldn't have come out so plainly said and easily understood.

Over the 4th we were camping in the Rogue National Forest at the opening of the Prospect District's OHV system. Not in a campground, but 'dispersed' camping (yep..all legal) in the woods. In response to a comment made about it being terrific being able to camp in the forest my youngest daughter (she's eight) said, 'I don't like being in the forest. There are no trees.'

Really? Well, only everywhere you look and we were within a stones throw of trees as far as you could see with a larger diameter than her height!

Where did she get the 'no trees' idea?


Earth Day? 'We' (the school system..locally and otherwise) can make a BIG deal over this! BUT, you cannot say the Pledge of Allegiance, wear a crucifix or make ANY reference to Christmas!!

'We' wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings!!

Balderdash!! I doubt absolutely that the likes of Madison and Jefferson gave a hoot about King George's feelings.


Jul 18, 2003
The fact is, undesirable policies become law because people don't stand up and make their voices heard. If you don't like something, do something about it. Don't just vent on this forum, you are preaching to the choir here!

Do you research, find the decision makers, and let your opinions be heard. If they don't hear from us, they presume everyone supports the legislation at hand and vote accordingly.

The saying "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" has been around for a long time for good reason...
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