Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Well a gorgeous day it was, except, the wind and the dust. 99CR125OK, MX547(and daughter), OKKX'r(and son), and I met up at JRP Racings MX track in SW Tulsa. There was a steady 25 mile per hour wind that was gusting up to 35-40. The dust was unbelievable. To add to that, they watered the corners so much that they were slippery, sloppy muddy. The track was poorly preped but was a fun track non the less.
All of the 250 classes were grouped in 1 moto. I signed up for the over 40 class(be forty in a month) and then at the last minute changed to the over 30 class. MX547 and OKKX'r rode the over 40 and 99CR125(250)OK rode the over 30.
First MOTO: The board went side ways and the gate dropped. I was in third after the first corner, then, red flag. Seems the starter didn't wait for the score keeper to get ready so we went back to the line. The board went sideways and the gate dropped again. MX547 just got in front of me at the first turn on the inside line. To my right, a big red thumper went down. This provided a nice block for those who made it thru the first corner. I was in fourth behind a pro, MX547, and 99CR125OK. I was riding good and the Mamba was screamin'. I followed 99CR125OK for two laps, taking different lines every time. Halfway thru the third lap I made my move. I came into a 180 degree corner, braking late and ducked to the inside. When 99CR125OK saw my front wheel he let me by. I rode the remaing laps hard and felt good. Then the big red thumper came around me. This guy was hooking it up. He pass MX547 and I think finished second. I was about a 100 yards behind MX547 at the finish but it felt, GOOD!:aj:
The second moto started out really good. I was in fourth again and was pulling away a little bitty bit. Then I hit the sloppy turn before the whoops. The tires went out from under me and I went down. 3-4 riders went my me but I was up and going again. I rode hard but the arm pump set in. I was palming the handlebars the last lap. I was spent but I finished.
Some how or another, I didn't get scored at all. But I should have got a second overall with 99CR125OK getting 1st.
I had a great time as usual riding with the Heartland Spodes and I hope to add 99CR125OK to the group as soon as possible.
Great ride guys!:) :cool:


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Sounds like you guys had fun.

The wind was pretty bad up here too. The track management was even worse. They scored me 11th out of 13th. My worst placing ever in a race I finshed. I think they missed me on one lap.

The track was good, except the orange plastic barrels they used on the corners started blowing around(they had nothing in them for weight) As you rode a lap the track literally changed. Some corners had no marker. You just had to kinda go where the main groove was. This was all in an open grass field.

Oh, talk about starts.......they started over 75 of us at one time.:eek: Kinda scary to come into a corner with that many riders.

Overall my day would rate a 6 ou of 10 because of the poor management.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 3, 2000
It was a lot of fun, I could have done without the wind and the dust, but it was a blast!

I was very pleased with how I rode, I've still got ALOT of work to do, but it was great.

It was truely a pleasure to meet some of the DRN crew, they seem like a really nice group. After some of the stories I heard they really know how to have a good time.

After my friend called Saturday night and backed out on going Sunday, I didn't know if I would go or not, but I thought about the DRN guys that said they might be there and I knew if I didn't show up I'd hear about it. I'm really glad I went.

Thanks guys


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
i am now a professional motocross racer

it was different. instead of trophies, this track paid money back to all classes. i made a whopping $10 for winning the over 40 class (which i promptly spent at the concession stand). does this mean i lose my amateur status?

the track turned out to be pretty fun. it was fairly fast, no big jumps, and whoops that you could actually go fast through. hardpack dirt (which i like) but very dusty. normally, i like the tighter tracks with bigger jumps but this track was fun for me. maybe i'm getting old.

99cr125ok was really fast for someone who hasn't raced in 15 years. he must just practice all the time. he didn't mention that in the first moto, he got a monster holeshot before the race was red-flagged. he got robbed. since we were all in the same moto (250's), we didn't get to watch each other ride. that was kinda disappointing. okkxer's kid did good for his first ever race (we expect a report from him). my daughter loved the track and wants to go back sometime. i liked it too. we'll definitely race there again.


Jun 25, 1999
Dang, I am begining to feel a little left out. I wish you guys would drop me a line when you start hitting the tracks. I may not be able to keep up, but am good at providing laughs. Drop me an e-mail a few days before the next ride and I will try to make it.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 3, 2000
Thanks Jay, by the way I did get to see you ride.....for about the first two laps, until you were far enough in front of me that I couldn't see you anymore!

It was a really fun time despite the windy conditions. If anyone is interested, I know myself and at least two of my friends are planning to race March 17th at JRP. One of my friends is very much a beginner, so he likes the easier track.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Way to go guys, sounds like a good time.
By the way, I knew Jay was sandbagging in Burleson, he is a pro.;)


Sep 10, 2001
CaSeY's RiDe RePoRt
It was fun for my first race even though I crashed:scream:, but i'm ok today. I really liked the track, I would like to race there again. I think if the wind was not so strong, I would have done better. I really liked the whoop section.I will not get to go riding this week:whiner: , because I have a band concert to go to this week. I might get to go the next week , It depends if I want to help my mom with a band concert at my school for the 6TH graders. :aj:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
You did good, mean....Casey:p . I wish I could do the whoops as well as you did. Your new gear made you faster.;)


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Sounds like everyone had a great time as usual. Can someone post directions to the track and a schedule. The track sounds like a lot of fun. I'll miss the next race there on March 17th as I will be in New York City :eek: attending a convention. Went riding with my son yesterday, it was very, very windy here also. On the largest table top I thought I was going to take off like Superman, and I don't mean a freestyle trick either. ;)

To change the subject somewhat, the heartland spodes need to come over and hit the first spring series race at my local track on April 6th. Check the link for additional information.
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Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
You wouldn't have liked this track, Sawblade, no ceder trees.:p You would have done well at this track. I'll get you directions. I'm going to St. Louis for the SX on April 6th but I'm sure the other guys will take you up on you offer.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
It sure was lonely in KS. I shouldn't went south, maybe it'd been warmer.:confused:


Sponsoring Member
Oct 3, 2000
I'll let Bswift get you directions, I'm the worst person to ask directions from, but I do have the schedule.

March: 10, 17
April: 7, 21
May:4, 19
June:2, 16, 30
July:14, 21
August:4, 18
September:8, 22
October:6, 20
November:3, 17

If anyone plans to race, post it so we'll all know.:)


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Originally posted by 99CR125OK
I'll let Bswift get you directions, I'm the worst person to ask directions from, but I do have the schedule.


Thanks for the schedule. Is the track located in Broken Arrow? I did some searching last night on , but came up empty handed for any information. I take it JRP just opened since I found nothing. Also, do you have a phone number to contact?



Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
JRP MX is located in SW Tulsa. It is in the 5500 block west of 51st South. This is due north of the entrance to the Turner Turnpike. The nearest major intersection is 49th W. Ave and Interstate 44.
When coming from the North or South, take I-44 west following the signs to OKC. Exit 49th West Avenue. Turn north to first the first stop sign(T intersection which is Southwest blvd. Turn east and go .3 of a mile to the first stop sign. This street is also 49th W. Ave. Turn left(north) and go to the first stop sign, this is West 51st Street South. Turn left and go approximately 1 mile and look to your left for JRP Racing.
When coming from the east on I-44, take the W. 51st ST. South exit. Turn left and go .4 miles and look for JRP Racing.
When coming from the west you can use the same directions as the North and South directions. If you are a somewhat familiar with the area, I can give you an alternate route, let me know if you need further help.
For what it is worth, Named or Numbered "Avenues" in Tulsa primarily run North/south. Numbered" streets" run east/west. Thus, address read as follows, 5500 West 51st Street South. This is assbackwards from most addressing systems. Likewise, there is a 51st Street North, it runs parallel to 51st Street south but is 10 miles to the north. This concludes Tulsa geography 101. The pop quiz will be given later.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Here is a map. The red star is 49th West Ave and I-44. The green line leads you to JRP.


  • jrp map.gif
    jrp map.gif
    12.2 KB · Views: 104


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Originally posted by BSWIFT
This concludes Tulsa geography 101. The pop quiz will be given later.

Bswift, so coming from the south east I want to... What a minute, isn't there a Wal-Mart close by I can use as a landmark? :p Hey man, thanks for the directions. I know were 51st. is so it shouldn't be that hard to get to. Now about that pop quiz, is it open book? :confused:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Besides planned, unbuilt stores, how many Walmarts in this picture.;)


  • jrp2.gif
    13.7 KB · Views: 108


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Are we eligible for group insurance?;)


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
I know..... custom graphics with Walmart on them...........NOT. I still think custom graphic would be cool though.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
I'd run custom made Wal Mart graphics if they sponsored us for Dirtweek.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
It's ashame that we don't know someone in the corporate office that could get us a small sponsorship. Two matching KX's with Walmart on them would look nice.;)


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
I believe there are 2 Wal-Mart stores, 2 Supercenters and 2 Sam's Clubs in the Tulsa metro area. Sorry can't tell ya what's planned, privileged information ya know. ;)

Keep on shopping! Tx246 and me have gotten used to the paychecks they hand out every two weeks! :)


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Originally posted by justql
It's ashame that we don't know someone in the corporate office that could get us a small sponsorship. Two matching KX's with Walmart on them would look nice.;)

I'll wander down to the presidents office tomorrow and ask. :p Wonder if that would be a good career move or not. :eek: Maybe someday we will sell motorcycles, that way I could get a discount on a new mount. :p

Anyway, since this group is always indecisive. How about shooting for the May 4th race?
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