
Jun 20, 2000
In a recent issue of Dirtbike, they go through all the factory bikes including the factory enduro guys. They say that shane watts uses the mxc suspension on his 200 exc. I didn't think their was a difference, if so what? Also I was wondering if people have had any transmission trouble with the mxc compared to the exc. Thanx


01 KTM 520exc
01 KTM 200exc
98 KTM 125exc/sx
96 XR 400


Apr 1, 2001
E/XCs have softer off-road type suspensions than M/XCs, and they have wider gear ratios. The average off-road rider will never push the bike hard enough to need suspension as stiff as the top pros run. That's why the Jap bikes come from the factory a little soft. An aggressive rider will push the E/XC suspension to it's limits, but it's livable as long as you don't try to catch too much air!



Jul 21, 1999
Originally posted by ktmboy:
E/XCs have softer off-road type suspensions than M/XCs,

Where did you get this information? I'm not saying it's not true, I'm just wondering. Back in 98 and 99, the MXC's had the same suspension as the EXC's according to EE and my owners manuals.

John Brunsgaard - JEB
01 KTM 400 EXC, 99 KTM 250 EXC, 99 KTM 200 EXC, 98 KTM 125 EXC, 98 KTM 380 MXC (gone), 96 KDX 200
Mar 13, 2001

They have the same suspension components but different damping rates. The MXCs are stiffer than the EXCs, good for jumps and big bumps, not as good on trail junk.

I find my tranny to be stiff and a little notchy on my '99 250 MXC but I've never had any trouble with it.

KTM = Killer Trail Machine



Apr 27, 2000
EXC & MXC suspensions are exactly the same front & rear; inside & out.

Mike Kruger
Cycle Zone KTM
Topeka, KS
866-843-7433 toll free

[This message has been edited by KTMMIKE (edited 04-23-2001).]


Jul 21, 1999
Thanks Mike. I hoped you'd jump in and set the record straight. I think the confusion over this is because some rags from time to time report that the MXC is valved stiffer than the EXC. I don't know where they got that information, though. I always wondered if KTM stiffened them up a bit before handing them over to the mags for testing.

John Brunsgaard - JEB
01 KTM 400 EXC, 99 KTM 250 EXC, 99 KTM 200 EXC, 98 KTM 125 EXC, 98 KTM 380 MXC (gone), 96 KDX 200


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
Jeb, looks like you have many EXC's and HAD one MXC...WHAT was the differences in setup?

2001 VOR503 V-Cross
1982 husqvarna XC430
1974 Bultaco Frontera 360
6 Kids, Four Ride, 3 race. (cr125, yz80, 2 KX125's)
Case 780, INT 1066, Ford LTL9000...and a Percheron


Aug 2, 2000
The EXC does also have the headlight, taillight and odo.

The MXC also has a lighting coil so the above are easily added.



Jul 21, 1999
Originally posted by weimedog
Jeb, looks like you have many EXC's and HAD one MXC...WHAT was the differences in setup?

Setup was similar between the E and M. The thing I didn't like about the MXC was the tranny. My 99 250E was much faster on top end speed than the 98 380M was. Both had the same sprocket ratio. Otherwise, the M was fine. No lights but I never use them anyway. I got a plate for my 01 400E so the light is nice to have for that. I rarely hop on the road with it but it's nice to be able to at least look legal. The bike is far from street legal in current trim, BTW.

On the RFS's, it's a different story. The difference is not all that great in tranny ratios and, with the 6 speed, I'm sure there's plenty of topend on the M.

Harder to say on the suspension. 98 was the first year for the PDS and it wasn't great. 99 was much better. Forks were good both years but they did tweak the valving from 98 to 99, from my understanding, and I like the 99 fork really well.


Aug 8, 1999
Originally posted by BlueDog
Does that mean that the only difference between EXC and MXC is the wide vs. close ratio tranny?


Well, I just spent 45 minutes typing a detailed message about the differences right out of the '99 manual including all the gear ratios and the new list software just spit it out!!

Here's the net of it, US models only (no EGS):

On the 200, the E and M have the same 3rd and 4th gears. The "Money" gears if you will.
On the 250, the E and M boxes are THE SAME!
On the 300/380, the E&Ms have the same 1st and 2nd gears. 3rd on up is a different story.
All Es and Ms have the same ignition on the motor with the lighting coils wound already. All have the same 2K-2 flywheel with the exception of the 200E which as the 2K-3 (presumed heavier).
Ignition boxes - I'll post that next.


Feb 3, 2022
I have a 1999 ktm 250 mxc and I wanna know the difference between a exc like will parts from a exc fit for mxc like plastic and that kinda stuff
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