My first Hare Scrambles, WHEW!


Sep 12, 2002
I absolutely give many props to all you guys and girls that ride hare scrambles, or enduros!!!! :worship: I rode my first at Rattlesnake Ridge in Taylorsville, NC this weekend. Well, sorta rode anyway. FlynBryan and I rode the Unlimited class together. After waiting 15 minutes for a path to clear to try a ridiculous hill, they sent us another direction and I was off to more pain and suffering. 5 days a week at the gym is no match for a single lap at that place! I have never done anything so tiring in my life. The bad part is I only made it one lap. GEEEZ, that was a trip! Bryan said he has only done one HS harder than that. That does give me some comfort but some guys did 4 laps. True stud puppies if you ask me. At least I didn't finish last though. 10th out of 11. :)

To all who do this on a regular basis, my hats off to you!!



May 22, 2000
O bummer I thought there were 15 or so...... :laugh: Yea it was definately trying. I too give it to those animals, those boys were tough as nails. I've done some hare scrambles w/the VCHSS in Va. and had some tough races there, but Rattlesnake was one of the harder ones I've been to. There were rather excessive ruts, but other than that it wasn't all that bad. The conditions leading up to the event was what made it tough. Torrential down pours in the early am lead to some rather slick/soft soil. The track layout was actually pretty cool. There was a decent amount of single track a couple ups and downs and a creek crossing. The roots on the up hills had started getting pretty interesting w/all the guys from the Pro/A class that had went that morning. I have to say too that I liked how the NCHSA ran the event w/the Higher caliber riders going in one race and the lesser skilled racers going at a different time. Less lap traffic and an opertunity to re-route the course if needed. All in all not a bad course, but next time I'll reserve my attendance for a Drier forecast. If we hadn't had all the rain we've had of late I believe it could have been a blast.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
It gets easier guys.

I dnf'd 3 NCHSA races and 2 enduro's before I got to where I was not in anybodies way the entire time. You guys are already ahead of that.



May 22, 2000
Thanks for the support Ivan. :thumb: I'm not really all that disheartend. Like I said I've had some prior experience w/ H/S in Va. That was just one of the more difficult ones I've been on to date. :)
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