
Sep 7, 2001
Went riding three days in a row up at Stoneyford for Thanksgiving. The first day out I'm always a little stiff(remembering to breath helps). It became cold, FAST!, and decided to turn back when I lost the feeling in my face and hands. The next day produced perfect conditions. Tacky and warm dirt christened my brand new tires. Had the best ride ever since there was another girl riding with whom I could actually keep up and watch. Bboom said in another thread that since she'd been riding with her sweetie, she had become faster. I had the same experience with Denise(another one!) She gave me all her pointers on downhills. Don't even look at the front brake, she says, so I don't and end up just kind of surfing down the hill. I thought, hey I could actually start to like downhills which I did. The next day I rode after 12 hours of rain and a soggy sleeping bag wondering if I was up to it. Super soggy and slippery. We went up three mile and the freezing rain started and as we climbed the snow began. It became heavier and I was riding in a winter wonder land(I've heard that some where before?);)
I was playing in the snow on my favorite toy. It was the first snow for SFO and me. So, it was all very exciting and the thrilling end is that I survived the steepest downhill in N. California, Little Sullivans.
I just want to say I love riding and my bike and I can't wait to meet all you other biker chicks in Reno!!!!!!:p
p.s. I forgot to say that Denise the woman with whom I rode had her folks bring her bike for her YZ 250 '82 which escaped from the trailer somewhere between Benicia and Stoneyford if anyone sees it, tell it to go home!:mad:
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Aug 13, 1999
Way to go!!! The secret to riding in snow (from the little bit I have done) is to always pick a new line if you can. If you try to follow someone else's line you have to fight the frontend to keep it in the rut.

We have a good foot of snow at home but there are too many obstacles hidden under the snow for me to go out on the bike. I want to try it out on my parent's field down in the valley when they get some more.

We saw a guy on a 250 last spring just tearing it up in a big open snowfield. We had to pull over to watch him. Looked like a ton of fun and just as much work.

Glad to hear you will make it to Reno! Looks like we should be there too.

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
'Sounds like a fun ride over the holiday for ya, Fe_p! Makes me wish for heated grips, though! 'Gonna have to try that "pick a new line" suggestion. I tend to fixate on the line of whomever's in front and end up feeling like a pinball. I'm starting to get a little bummed out about missing Reno this year; I think it's gonna be another great spodefest!

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