My Greatest Ride Ever


Mar 25, 2002
Now I went riding today and it was the best ride I've ever had. It was my first ride of 03 and I loved it. I only rode for 2 hours but it was still good.
I went up to LTM and it was 3 when I got there. I started off just riding the Euro track to get re-aquainted with the bike. Then it was to the track. I just sorta putted around for a few laps then I got on the gas. After a few laps I was jumping things I had never jumped before. I made it all the way through the uphill whoops, jumped the double(which throws higher and farther this year), the step up which has no step down now, and the tall tapletop. I kept up with faster riders when I really tried, tried different lines and even passed a few people.
The track is also slightly different this year. Turns have different lines with speed bumps in the middle, and every lip seems higher.
So I hope to see a few drners there this year and if anyone sees a yamaha #325 thats me. See you at the track.


Sep 3, 2001
glad to hear you enjoy your new bike. I was at that track two years ago for Dirtweek. Sorry to hear they removed the step down landing...that was one of my favorite parts of the track (high speed though!) What bike did you get?
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