sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
The power now valve what’s it supposed to do? This valve is supposed to increase intake velocity thus increasing power to ½ throttle opening. In short, the power now is claimed to increase low end power. I got the power now valve and a long allen wrench shipped together. The long allen wrench also has a “ball” end to make the angle usage easier. The fit and finish of the power now were good; it is a piece of billet aluminum and the machine work looks top notch. I put the valve on at the track. It was reported that you could put this on in 10 min. maybe “you’ can, but I didn’t. The angle on the inside allen screw is kind of hard to get at. I was able to get it off easier than putting it back on. It’s not rocket science, but it is a hard reach thingy. Frustration took over and I mashed the air boot all the way against the box and was finally able to get a better angle on the inside allen screw. Presto change o , it went on. The test mule for this ride was the infamous “death from above 426”. This is an 01 wr 426 with yz mods on it. It has yz plastic with odo and light removed, 52 tooth talon groovelite rear sprocket, yz jetting, bk mod, white brothers “s” bend R4 exhaust, yz tank and seat, with a full blown MX tech suspension. The initial ride was somewhat uneventful. I mostly was looking for a loss on the top end and found none, but I wasn’t “feeling” the big low end boost I was looking for. I went back to the pits and realized the reason I didn’t feel anything different was because I was riding my 426 the same way as always. I figured I’d really try to bog this thing next time out; also I wanted to see if I could increase the squirt duration on the bk mod without any bog. I was able to increase the squirt by about 1/8 of a turn (1/8 of a turn is significant with this mod) without bog. This was good. I went back out with the expressed task of bogging the bike by shifting way short. I came rolling out of a corner in 2d, up shifted way too soon, and whacked the throttle about ½ open. I expected the usual “waaaaaaaahhhh” as it built revs, what I got was most unexpected. I got the “waaahhh” but the front end came up, the rear end broke loose and I started “going” a lot harder, a lil’ sideways I might add. The bike had a whole new “punch’ in the low rpms. This was nice. Then I went off to a stair stepped hill of about 5 “steps” of about 3’ to 4’ in height , with the lead up on some of these at about 15’. I had been going up this hill in second, this time I went for 3d gear. I rolled the bike around in 2d, straightened it out and immediately up shifted to 3d. I had about 10’ to the first 3 footer, I wasn’t too confident, but I figured this being a step up, not much bad could happen. I was pleasantly surprised. The bike took hold, shooting me up and accelerating all the way up the hill, revving out. This too was nice. I made a couple more runs like that ,then for giggles I tried up shifting to 4 about ½ way up, again way sooner than I would ordinarily with very little space for the bike to rev before hitting the step face. Woo-ie! The bike took off, fast. I was taken back a bit and because of my shock I allowed the bike to pick up more speed than I am comfortable with. That was that for any more 4th gear shenanigans on the step ups. This mod, the power now valve has opened up a whole new range of usable power on my bike. To find the new power ya gotta lug it more than you would ordinarily. The word from Dave Simon is you can carry a lower gear out of corners, etc. I found you could. The SITREP. The power now is about 60$. I like it. It does appear to build power down low. The bike starts quicker, first kick usually, and Dave said that 250fs’ don’t have to use the hot start with this installed. It has opened up a whole new “power band” on my bike. I will be taking a spare power now with me to my next big ride and have some other 426 and 250f riders give it a try. This is a 60$ well spent. I would recommend it. You can find out more info and how to order at www.worldpowerracing.com.
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sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
i was happy once i figured to ride it and get the benifit, ya gotta lug it low, that's where i found the improvement.


Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001
Thanks Crash. I am expecting it to come in today and will install it if it does. I am not sure that I will get a proper test today, but will do so ASAP.



Dec 16, 2001
I ordered mine on the 17th and had no word weather it had shipped. I dropped a line to Mr Simon and he replied that he was backordered a week or so.

FYI only gents.


Dec 16, 2001
Got it today. Finish was a little ruff. There were about 10 aluminum shavings from the CNC which were annodized over. I took my pocket knife out and popped them right off which left silver specs in its place.

There is a ding in the bell on the air filter side about the size of a pencil tip. Maybe he was in a rush to ship or something, but certainly not what I would call a high quality finish.

Ride report to follow in a few days.

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
contact dave and send it back. their QC should be better than that. you don't want any dings in it. my fit and finish was superb. dave will help ya, don't keep it.


Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001
Originally posted by ricky1
Anxiously waiting for your next post.

Sorry guys, I have been offshore in the Gulf of Mexico for 4weeks!!! Ok, lets get down to business. The device has pleasantly enhanced the bottom end as advertised. Now I must say that I don't know how much is attributed to putting a push-in breather on the vent hose and re-routing the vent hose up under the tank from the carb. bell. I have heard since purchasing that people have the same results with just the re-route. My take is that for me it is worth the money. If you have the skills and cojones to attempt to modify your own carb bell, you may get similar results at a much lower cost. On the other hand, it may cost you more! ;) There is quite a bit of info on T-Talk in the Yamaha section. On doing this mod.

I haven't gotten a full ride on it since the install, but this weekend will tell for sure. I have just done the roll on from lugging and wicking the bike open from a slow roll all around in the front yard, but the seat of the pants dyno seems to agree with the manufacturers advertising claims. I will add more after Saturday.



Dec 16, 2001
Well, I did not find it to be worth $85. Since I knew it was there, I "thought" there might have been a difference. I had a guy at the track who was riding a pimped out 01 400 SX ride before and after mod laps. He came back and asked if I had changed anything. I then pointed out the mod and he just grunted and asked how much it costs. Neither I nor the blind tester felt this was worth the money. Just for reference, I am an Intermediate D-37 desert racer and have been riding for 19 years, so I have a pretty good idea of what works and what is a gimick. I won't call it a gimick, but I will certainly not endorse it. Maybe the dyno might show an increase in HP/torqu, but the seat of the pants dyno didn't register anything.

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
hey unit74, i found the same thing on a "typical" moto track until i adjusted my riding tech to lug it more. i don't think this would be a good dessert racing mod , but works good for me in the woods and moto track. ofcourse after skewering my back at fox valley i haven't "ridden" my bike for real since late june.just my two cents.

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
the power now

well, i guess i'm either behind or infront of the power curve on the e-mail response I got. screw it. I'm rocking a rascal with an MSD capacitor, dual invertervibrators and 3 inch firestone daytonas. If I lean back I can pop the front end. I still ROCK

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