My son will do anything for his mama!! LOL


Crazy Ole Bag
Jul 28, 2008
Ok here is the true story...I sell on e-bay and I asked my 18 year old to help me. He was less than reluctant but knowing he had to respect his mama. Well I had a lady ask about a wedding dress I was selling and me being the larger of the two of us asked him if he would help me. He reluctantly said yes. He did not know I needed pictures of the dress whilst on. He decided upon many protests to comply with his old mama and did as he was so obeditantly asked to. Well he put on this exquisite dress and man he looked hot according to his best friends tearied eyed response and my gut wrentching laughter whilst nearly peeing my own pants snapped a quick photo...he posed ever so gracefully and sighed and asked if he could have the photo for his my space to impress his new "friends" with a modeling photo and I reluctantly said "Yes" Well needless to say this is a true and weird refllection of mama and son bonding we have never had before and I swore I would never say a word to his future bride if it ever happens someday that he did this because mama asked him to. I just had to share the fun time we had tonight and ask would what would Scooby have done? He looks like Shaggy according to his my space friends.:rotfl:He rides with me dirt biking also...What a great son.... :laugh:What do you think of his photo... :yikes:


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2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Ha! My wife sells on Ebay too and has also used our 19 year old son to pose in womens dresses/tops. And yes, she has almost wet her pants with laughter (me too). The comments from Ebay "watchers" have been funny. Our son loves his mama too. You mamas are precious......... thank you.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
ack! you've scarred him for life!!



Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Tell him the pose seemed to come a little to naturally :think:



Feb 16, 2001
Does he answer you with yes Mommy dearest?


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Crazy Ole Bag
Jul 28, 2008
I am still laughing myself to sleep over it! He is one of the best son's any woman could ever want, just wish he would not give his 8 year old atomic wedgies while jumping with him on the trampoline.I came home one day and found my 8 year old hanging by his feet tied to the top of the moneky bars while he and his best friend were inside eating and playing the x-box. Aparently the poor 8 year old was there for quite some time. Boys are the best aren't they?! :)
Anyone else have boy stories?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Dirtymotonut said:
Anyone else have boy stories?
Oh I'm sure my younger brother does.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
How about the horror and torture I put my little bro through when putting my mom's stationwagon into full broad-slides at 70+ mph. :whoa: Trust me mom, you don't want to know it all.


Crazy Ole Bag
Jul 28, 2008
ya I am sure that most moms out there would freak out if they knew what their boys do...I know even being a girl teenager my mom only knew small bits and now to tell her about them it is funny and we can now laugh about it but back then it was really bad!
I remember my 2nd oldest when he was 8 he tried to build a fireplace inside his bedroom where a vent was he thought it would work...needless to say he burnt half his bedroom wall!


Dec 30, 2006
Being a younger brother, my older sister came home one night and told me "If you just eat instant mashed potatoes it will be like regular mashed potatoes", well I was dumb enough to believe her. I really miss her now.


Feb 16, 2001
My brother once lined the 6 stairs going down to my bedroom with jacks (from the ball and jacks game) and then called me to come down the stairs.I stepped on the first one then jumped to the next stair trying to avoid the PAIN.You should have seen me dance down the stairs.He was in stitches of course.I did get him back.


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Worst i ever did to my older brother was give him a black trash bag and tell him he could parachute off the porch roof. He didnt believe me so i pushed him, he was right. :)


Mar 27, 2004
being an older sister: when I was in 8th grade I told my 6th grade brother that he HAD to quit biting his nails all of the time. I told him I could help him with this by putting this "polish" onto his nails. He allowed me to polish his nails with the brightest red polish out there. He was extremely worried about the color. I explained that the red color would disapear as the polish penetrated his nails. This was just after dinner when the polishing began. By bed time he was pretty worried that the red was still red. I took a look at him and explained that his nails must be in pretty bad condition for the red to still be there. The next morning, in the cafeteria of our school, there he was STILL WITH THE RED NAILS!!. Lol, I finally admitted that I had played my "trick" on him and he was so mad at me :yell: . The rest of the day, I would catch him with those fingers in his mouth, attempting to scrape the red off his nails.

I love my brother :)


Damn Yankees
May 14, 2000
I was 6, my younger brother was 3,.. While he slept so peacefully on the couch, tightly clutching his teddybear with both arms,.. I tied a string from the nose of the teddy to the front door knob, when dad came home from work, upon opening the door, the nose and much of the stuffing was yanked from the the slumbering little pet's head,.... my brother woke in horror as he looked at the now disfigured face of his teddy,.... he has always been a bit in-different ever since. :p


Mar 4, 2007
0 do this. save the pic untill he gets married, then show the new bride the pic...
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