my yz 125cc needs help


Dec 29, 2006
hello i need some help very bad. i had less than a half a tank of gas in my tank which was about 2 months old. i rode my bike yesterday with it in it and it was fine. today i made a fresh batch 30:1 ration premium gas klots racing oil. i rode for about 60 seconds and when i stopped my bike acted like it was not running so well, like when you first start up your bike and give it to much gas it almost dies, well it was doing that but the bike was warmed up. so i rolled ut back up to the garage and let it sit. after i let it sit i tried to start it and it started and then tried to die again. then it never started again. so i drained out the gas out of the tank but not out of the carberator. i put new gas in and then tried to start it again no start. do i need to drain the gas out of the carb or when i kick it will it just flush the new in it. also i have a new spark plug but dont know if i need it yet. please help!!


Feb 3, 2007
i could be wrong but u may have fouled ur spark plug, check the plug to see if theirs oil on it, if thats the case u either mix'd differently or needs to be jetted,but i could be wrong


Jan 8, 2004
uncfan617 said:
i could be wrong but u may have fouled ur spark plug, check the plug to see if theirs oil on it, if thats the case u either mix'd differently or needs to be jetted,but i could be wrong

Right or wrong, when a 2 stroke aint running right ALWAYS put a new plug in before anything else. It's my golden rule as I spent years as a kid messing with a KX80 thinking this was wrong/that was wrong, a new plug and some jetting changes were all that was needed.
And plugs are cheap and easy so if it's not the problem you havn't wasted time and money.


Feb 11, 2007
when I first got my CR it sucked because I had to change the plug every five minutes, or was that five seconds? It had no bottom, mid, or top end power and I was upset that it didn't feel much faster than my ttr-125. Turns out that it was jetted much too rich on the bottom and way lean on the top. Tech-Care fixed it for me, I think it still woulda been much cheaper if i'd a bought a jetting kit. What's a four-stroke feel like compared to a 2t anyway?
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