
Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by fishhead
Get out of the gutter there chum!:mad:
HeHeHe You're the fishhead and you call him chum.:) :confused: ;)


May 17, 2001
Not me. My knee's still bothering me from my crash at Cranberry Lake.:( I'm seriously thinking about doing the Son of a Wench though. I just got an E-mail from a friend telling me there's a guy I know that's going to race it wearing one of their helmet cams. I'd love to see some of that fottage!



Jun 13, 2001
I went to most of Sunday's early race as a spectator, 9$ a head to watch!40$ to ride!! . I watched a few crashes on the 2 steep downhills. The riders that didn't crash on these two downhills locked the rear wheel all the way down and still looked as though they may not make it. I am all for realism but these seemed a bit too nasty. The Son of a Wench has been transformed into the Farewell to the Wench. I picked up a flyer if you folks need more information. Laps took about 30 minutes and the riders spread out fairly soon so it was not cramped. Asphalt drags in 2 areas meant high speed passes were possible or just making up time on the guy you're chasing. 98% of riders were on 2 strokes. I hope other events in this sport are not as "nasty".


May 17, 2001
Highbeam, Do you know where I could get a flyer? What do you mean that the Son of a Wench is going to be a farewell to the Nasty Wench? I want to race it but I don't have any medical insurance, so if I'm likely to get hurt, I've gotta sit it out.:( I should get to see some helmetcam fottage of the race some time soon. Should be really awesome!



Jun 13, 2001
I even brought my wife to watch the wench for a total of 18$. I wish I hadn't brought her to this one because it was pretty brutal in my opinion and especially brutal in hers. It was the second day of a 2 day so the people that got injured on day one were watching with their casts and crutches, or so it appeared. Really wish I had left the wife at home.

The flyers were at the sign in and "team crutch", the sponsor, was handing them out. I can repeat to you the information, is there a key item you need? It appears they renamed the event to the "Farewell to the Wench" because it is the last scheduled event on the SIR calendar. Whatever, I don't think it means they won't run the second weekend next year. There was one rider hauled off on a stretcher and into an ambulance and away,the two crashes I saw on the "hazards", and I'm sure numerous wrecks. I wouldn't drive my truck without health isurance so you know what my recommendation is. The helmetcam should be good, especially the hazards.

One XR650 was there. ALl 4 strokers were the water cooled types. That would also make me feel a little dated, there is a vintage class on the 17th! Are these harescrambles supposed to be for the average dude, or is it a pro deal?
Mar 1, 2001
Hi All,

It was a great race!

Highbeam - You thought this was tough?? This event was please don't get me wrong, I'm no moto stud but I've raced many NW events that were far more brutal than this one.

The weather was perfect, hardly any deep ruts, traction was awesome, the road course was dry and the grass track was perfect. It didn't get any better than this.

I agree that the entry is a little steep. You do however get a really cool shirt. Every year it's a new design and usually a rip off of some product. Band-Aid last year, Starbuck the year before. This year it was Cambel's Soup.

Heres the skinny on the "Farewell" issue. The guy who currently leases SIR is not being allowed to renew. It appears that there were some legal issues a while back that put the leasee at odds with the property owner. There were also complaints by many racing organizations regarding the condition of the facility. So...the owners are planning to completely level the place and start over. This of course will take some time to complete a new race facility. It's suspect, that after all is said and done, we will be allowed to race here again. So hence the "Farewell".

I spoke with the guy with the helmet cam. It came unpluged somewhere on the first lap so it doesn't sound like there will be much footage. They did however video with a digital camera and are offering a tape of all three races (edited) for about 20 bucks. Any one interested let me know and I'll post more detail. I can tell you after watching most of it already that it's going to be a keeper. The crash footage on the downhills are worth it alone. Lot's of guys going over the bars!

Anyway...just my 2¢

Take care
Mar 1, 2001

A couple more comments.

Highbeam - you asked if these events are for the "average guy". You bet! That being said it's important to keep in mind that it's a race. Races are supposed to be challenging, what would be the point otherwise.

Classes are defined to try and allow you to race with folks of comparable ability.

For more information on the "Farewell" race, check out the NMA website Look under "events" for contact information. Basically slow guys (me) in the morning and fast guys in the afternoon (9:30 and 12:00 starts I believe)

Hope this helps.


Jun 13, 2001
Originally posted by ironmtn_racing
The crash footage on the downhills are worth it alone. Lot's of guys going over the bars!

I stood for a good bit of time in both places where the people were going over the bars. These places are what gave me the concern, I have no desire to go over the bars. The rest of the course did look like great fun, especially the muddy woods part below the nasty downhills. I didn't ride it so I'm sure there was a ton of nice riding.

Honestly, I haven't run a harescramble before so I was going to see if I was ready and to see what goes on. I'm starting out on a big pig and the weight would have made the pucker factor very high on these downhills.

Is the next one more of an amateur event? traditionally? Is there at least more tolerance for beginners? You've got me a little pumped up to ride it.

How do feel about the development in Orting?
Mar 1, 2001

Glad to hear I've got your interest up.

I guess it all comes down to some people like to climb and desend hills and others don't. As with all things dirt bike, momentum is your friend.

The good thing about a 2 race format is you don't have to worry about the really fast guys being on the course at the same time. The one thing you can do to insure a great time is to ride it at a pace your are comfortable with and simply let anyone who comes up behind you by. This keeps you from being pressured into riding over your head and they guy behind you is thankful to get passed. You'll almost always get a "thank you" as they go by. It's a sure bet if it's me going past.

Orting...well the first thing I'll say is that it's a long way from Redmond (work). I do however happen to live in one of the new developments. It's really a double edged sword. Reasonable prices for new homes make this area very attractive. I hate to say it's getting out of hand when I'm one of the folks responsible for it's getting out of hand.

Email me off-line and we can talk about the valley in more detail.

Take care.
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