National 2 stroke championship series?


Mar 15, 2005
Got an email with a link to take a survey to see if we can get a real 2 stroke championship series going soon. This is what it reads.

Subject: Two Stroke Motocross Series Survey

Hello Two Stroke Fans, Supporters and Racers,

With the success and interest shown in the FMF 2 Stroke Invitational, some
people are interested in putting together a complete two stroke series here
in the USA. But they need your input.

We have created a survey that contains 24 questions and will only take
approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Please take a few minutes to do

Please forward this survey to all of your racing friends or post it to any
message boards that you happen to be a member of.

Let's keep the two stroke flag flying. This can be a great step forward on
that front.

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