Need A Shorter Brake Pedal CR 85


Jul 7, 2003
Our rider has small feet and on two occasions he has missed the brake pedal. This has been a wild ride but no damage done. However, we are hoping that we can find an aftermarket brake pedal that is shorter (more what he is used to with his KTM 65 which is his primary focus). I haven't found any on the net. Do you have any suggestions and/or do you know if another manufacturer's would work on a CR 85?


Sponsoring Member
Nov 27, 2001
just cut yours and take 1/2" or whatever is needed out of the middle. If you pull it off and take it to a welding shop you could probably get it done for under $25. Especially if you find someone that is motorcycle friendly. While your at it buy a second stock one and have both of them done at the same time. Then you have a spare prebuilt in case you need it.
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