Need help with loose kickstarter on 99 ktm 200


Oct 9, 2000
I have recently purchased a 99 200exc, and am thrilled to be among the orange. I do have a question that I hope some of you more experienced pumpkin pilots can help me with.
My kickstarter is quite loose. I removed the retaining bolt in an effort to determine if there was a washer missing or some other small detail to be addressed. After more poking around, it seems as though there is quite a bit of play between the kickstarter and the splined shaft that it mounts on. It still seems to engage fine, and I've noticed no slipping, but I wonder if this is something I need to address now to prevent further damage to something, or if this is "normal".
Thanks in advance for all of your help.


Aug 22, 2000
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but I srtipped the splines off the kickstarter on my 200. Neddless to say, it was very inconvenient and expensive.

'98 ktm 200exc


Nov 27, 1999
If the kick starter is loose on the splines, (you may be able to get just the lower section but I didn't look in my parts manual). You could try this fix. Make sure there are enough splines left, about 50% or so. First try to come up with some shim washers that make the lever tight when the bolt is tight but not against the engine case, then remove the kick starter clean the male and female splines with parts/brake cleaner, lastly apply lock-tite (part retaining compound) don't get in on the threads, use thread retaining compound for the threads. Main drawback with this method is that you will have to heat the area with a torch to get it off the next time but it should save some money for now.

MIKE 2000 KTM 300MXC eastern wash.


Dec 12, 2000
Check the retaining bolt before every ride. All the KTM's I know of have this problem. The Loctite threadlock seems to be the best fix



Jul 29, 1999
I had something like this happen on my 00 300EXC. The bolt was a bit loose and I stripped off some of the splines on the shaft. The fix I did was to epoxy the shaft and lower kickstarter arm. If you have to remove it heat will be required but the kickstarter is $110 and you get both the lower and upper part. The shaft is in the $125 range plus a good bit of work to replace it. It has been 3 months since the "fix" and all is well.

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