Hi everyone, I need some help w/ the parents. I've been interested in bikes for a while, both dirt bikes and street bikes and now that I'm finally old enough to do something aobut it, I want to take it to the next level and actuall purchase one. but my parents are dead set against it, well, my dad anyway. I think I'm going about it so far the right way though, signing up for a motorcycle safety course in july, going to various places and asked them about bikes and hwatthey think I should start on for a street bike. I've even started a seperate account for paying for the bike, insurance, and everything else that comes w/ owning one. I've tried to sit down and talk to them about it, but they always say we'll discuss this later, thinking that by putting it off, the desire will go away, but its only grown deeper. No one in my family rides, except for my uncle who used to have a motorcycle but sold it, but still has a kdx200 that I ride often. so its hard for me to get them to understand where I am coming from. I've had friends stop by with their bikes and they talk to them and see what it is about and still no luck. I'm 18, so I mean I can go out and get on if I wanted to, but I'd rather do it under the graces of the parents than not. Can y'all give me some help?