Need more low end torque


Oct 20, 2003
I've got a '97 kdx 200, I do more woods riding at slower speeda. I love my bike but don't like having to hammer the throttle to get up a small hill. My bike has a fatty pipe, power core II silencer, and i've drilled holes in the airbox lid. I don't think anything else has been done to it (I've only had it for about 6 months). I know about putting on a 12 tooth front gear, and the FRP torque ring. Was wondering if anybody has any input about what I can do to get a little more low end grunt out of my bike.


Dec 30, 2003
definately change the front sprocket...big improvement. i would install 2-stage reeds, boyeson #607's. there is a reed block spacer for short money in dkirk that claims to increase low-end torque, but i have not tried it myself. flywheel weight would also help.


Mar 15, 2004
Get the carb mod. Its called the RB air stryker carb. There is a thread about it in a thread a few above this one. You can also replace the fatty witht he gnarly woods pipe. Change the sproket also. It helps alot.


Dec 27, 2002
I've been on the same track as you.

I second the 12 tooth sprocket. There are some very entertaining threads about the advantages/disadvantages of say, a 13/50 setup over a 12/47. Personally, I like the ability to quick-change to a 13T for faster riding - so I've stuck w/the 12T.

I had tried a flywheel weight - but the DF II reed cage really did it for me! Now I'm able to back off on the throttle on a hill-climb, control wheelspin, and have enough torque to "motor on up".

RB carb mod is great. I haven't had much saddle/testing time on it yet, though!

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