need quick help with brake line/cable no brakes after wreck!


I bleed green!
Aug 7, 2006
hey guys, well, about three weeks ago, i went riding at TNT Moto. park in Chester, SC. i was coming into the 2nd turn on the Int. track in 3rd gear, and a caught a rut and took a spill, nothing very serious, the handlebars turned into my crotch, but nothing serious. i picked up the bike, with a little help from another guy, and sure enough, a busted brake lever sits there snarling at me. i took off, while passing everyone on the track, and i came to the last turn, they got rid of the berm there and just made it a rough pile of sand. i reached to grab the little stub-of-a-lever, but nothing happened. i tried again, but no front brakes! i hit the rear brakes and gave a guy on a 450 a dry shot of sand( on accident). i might go riding again this saturday and id like to have front brakes. i did see a good bit of fluid on the ground, but i obviously figured it was just gas. i know that bleeding the brakes probably wont help( correct me if im wrong), but, from my experience, brakes dont just instantly shut off, they gradually wear down. any help is appreciated. thanx


Apr 18, 2006
Bleeding the brakes might make them work for a bit, but it sounds like the problem is that the brake line and/or master cylinder has been broken. My guess would be that along with the lever breaking off the master cylinder cracked.

Refill the master cylinder, bleed the brakes, then inspect carefully. If there is any leak it must be fixed. Not difficult, but not cheap either.



Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
This may sound like a radical idea, but perhaps you should take the two phillips head screws out of the master cylinder cap and then remove said cap. If there's no fluid, you may want to add some. If it's full. Then you should probably inspect the rest of the system to see if there is some other problem.


Aug 16, 2004
Do what rmc_olderthandirt suggested. We can't fix your problem without looking at everything on the brake system. That's what you need to do. Find where to leak or broken part is, then you can get advice on the proper steps to replace it.
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