- Jun 20, 1999
- 2,563
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Here's the deal. My Beagle keeps getting into our landscaping in the backyard and tearing it up. Not that I can blame her. It provides a nice cool spot in the shade. I would like to know if there is an easy way to keep her out of the bark mulch and bushes. The other day I bought these crystals to sprinkle around in the dirt that are supposed to repel dogs and other small animals. Didn't work though. If anything it just made the dirt smell niceer. :) I've also tried putting chicken wire down underneath the bark mulch to keep her from digging it up. That hasn't stopped her either. I would like to find a way to keep her out of the stuff but without having to put fencing around the landscaping. I don't want it to detract from the look. Is there any other kind of scent or spray that will keep her out? Oh yeah, and I've tried the whole training thing too. She won't go in there when I am out in the backyard but as soon as no one is around... She's one of those sneaky dogs. :confused:
Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.
Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.