Need to smooth the power


Sep 24, 2004
I have a 99 cr250 used for woods riding. Engine is stock except for fatty pipe, boyeson power reeds, 11ozFWW, and jd jetting.

The bike has a nice tractable bottom end but once it starts to bark in the mid (power valve opens?) the back tire is all over the place and it is just too much in the tight trees.

The motor is know for low and mid power. Since it already has low and small exhaust ports I don't know if porting would help much? What ways could I make the power smoother and more linear? I am not sure if a gnarly pipe would help or make it worse by making the bottom end even more powerful. Maybe another pipe would be better? Would a vforce reed valve do much? Any other things I could consider?



Dec 9, 2005
increase power!! will not help you from sliding! It sounds like you short shift it. Try to go on a higher gear with a finger on the clutch! sliding the clutch out from the corner with fully open throttel but still sliding the clutch a bit! and Always hold the bike with your knees! and balance it with your foots so you can relax in your arms and hands.
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