Never rode need advice


Aug 22, 2005
Never rode need advice on a bike

Hi im new to these forums and i have been looking into dirtbiking and my dad seems interested too. He might get me a bike but he doesnt have a clue of what to get.

1)Im 13 years old 5'3" and 97 pounds
2)i can be agressive and physical at times
3)ill probably ride Mx tracks and woods.
4)I have no riding experience unless a bicycle counts :laugh:
5)ill probably race
6)im good with mechanics and so is my dad
7)I have been looking at suzukis and hondas and they look pretty nice but i have no idea what the difference between a 2 stroke and 4 stroke is.
8)I got a suzuki dealer and i think a honda. Im sure i could get a used bike
9)I guess 3,000 or lower i think i might buy a used bike soo...
10) Possibly a safe bike?
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n_w t_ b_kes

May 31, 2005
If you are going to race get an 85 (CR85, YZ85, KX85, RM85, or KTM 85SX). If you think you might be growing a lot soon, maybe you should get a small 4-stroke trail bike (ttr125, klx125, drz125, ect.), ride it for a couple of months, and sell it to get a 125 2-stroke (YZ125, CR125, RM125 ect.). The small 4-stroke trail bike should have pretty good resale, and if you buy used, you wont lose much money.

I'll let someone else tell you about the 2-stroke and 4-stroke differences because I can't really tell you from personal experience.


Aug 22, 2005
i was wondering if it would be okay to skip the trail bike and go to a honda cr125r because i dont think my dad wants to buy a bike and then a few months later sell it. Would a cr125 last me?

I also have another question do you have to mix 2-stroke oil with the gas in a 2-stroke? If i get a cr125 should i get an 04 because its cheaper and new?



Aug 22, 2005
well my dad wants to get a dirtbike too so we are going to get a crf230f. Once i move to my new house my dad is going to get his own. Is this a good bike can i get some positive or negative comments. Is it good for a beginner.

Thx a lot,
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Jun 28, 2005
2 stroke- more power, speed, rides a bit different, (have to feel it) less environmental, takes mix gas, other stuff.
4 stroke- not so much power, speed, more environmental, forgot gas thing, other stuff.
That's about my extent of knowledge. I'd go with a YZ85 or somethin. Where do you live? You seem a little smaller than me, if i were you i'd get a 125 trail bike or maybe a 150 trail bike. sometimes with a 1st bike it's best to buy new because of warranty and stuff. That's what i did and it worked but now it's all used from here. :)

Ruff Rider

Sep 14, 2004
the CRF is gonna be ok for you except if youre too short or if the weight of the bike is going to be an issue


Aug 22, 2005
well i went to the dealer and i tried out the 230 it wasnt to big. I want to get a 230 so my dad can ride it also anything smaller is too small for him.

Thx for all your help
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