I have been looking around for a new bike for my daughter. She is tall for her age but, still only weighs around 108 pounds. She is a good little rider. She has been riding for about 6 years. We for the most part ride in the desert. About 5 times a year we go to a local track and play around. Because most of our riding is in the desert trail riding. Iwant her to have a four stroke. I am looking at the CR150F and the CR230F. I think I like the 150 better. It is a little lighter and seems to have better suspension then the 230. She fits better on the 230 but, it's a tad bit heavy for her and I am not crazy about the electric start. It adds weight and I am a liitle old school. I want her to be able to kick her bike over! Anyways, ladies can you help me out? Any insight would be appreciated Thanks, Laurie