
Oct 18, 2004
I have been a loyal 2 stroke rider for many years now. My current bike is an 01 rm250. Recently I have had quite a few major problems with it. It's in pieces in my garage now because one of my tranny gears came apart while I was clearing a jump at the track. After spending several hundred dollars again to get the thing running, I'm thinking it might be time to sell the thing. Listening to all my buddies bragging about the dependability of their 4 strokes I might be looking to pick one up myself. The only thing I'm scared of is that I might not be able to fix everything on it myself like I can with my rm. I'm probably going to miss the snappiness, but I hate having to fix the damned thing all the time. Anyone know which of the current four strokes has close to the same hit as my rm?


Mi. Trail Riders
Nov 3, 2004
I am thinking none of them. You are comparing two different types of bikes that only share the number of wheels. Motor characteristics are not close at all. So consider this, if you like the 2-stroke power then buy one. You have been racing an 01 RM. That bike (or any bike that old) has served out its usefulness. I have never serviced a 4-stroke but I am willing to bet it is very costly. Each has its pros and cons. Remember, it does not matter what you ride as long as you ride!



Nov 21, 2006
iv hadc many 4 strokes in my day a xr350r , dr400 , & a xr600 just recently i got my first big 2 stroke bike a 94 yz250 & i can tell ya not even the xr600 i had would smoke the yz250 plus the yz is taller but lighter the 600 was a bear not that easy to throw around. but as for rebuilding the 4 strokes just a little more time consuming you worry more about the transmission than the top end..now if it were me having all the trouble with your rm 250 i think id just upgrade to a newer engine fab. it in & keep smoking your buddys..
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