
Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
I have a Weil-Mclain fuel oil fired boiler with which I have heated my domicile for the last thirteen years. Near as I can tell, it was installed in the house about twenty-five years ago. It has gotten to the point where the thing is costing way too much to maintain so I am thinking of replacing it with a gas (propane) boiler. I am considering one of the new 90+ percent efficiency units, also from Weil-Mclain. I have not really looked at any other brands other than a few internet excursions.

Does anyone have any experience with water heat systems, boilers, brands, fuels, etc.


Mar 18, 2003
I dont know which brands are best but i can say that any of the propane models are probably going to be the Cleanest, most efficiant and worry free. Also i dont think that propane prices swing quite as wide as other fuels and you may even be able to finance the boiler and installation through your local service company.

Now see, you may be able to get that new bike after all.


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