
Apr 21, 2003
I just found out that I have a disease called "PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS". It is an auto immune disorder in which the bodies defense system turns on itself and attacks the joints. I was told the long term prognosis for deterioration isn't good.
What I want to know is this...does anyone else out there have or know of someone FIRSTHAND who does have this as well. How has it affected their ability to ride and at what rate? Just curious!

Thanks ahead of time for any replies. :bang:


Do the impossible its fun
Jul 16, 2000
Sorry to hear about that klc, I don't have this "type" of arthritis but my 10 year old son has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. He has had this for about 2 years now and I can tell you that any time he rides (which isn't very often any more) he is sore as hejj and going staight to the bathtub even after just riding in the field. He is mainly hurting in his legs, from his knees down. But he gets this same feeling whenever he does any sport like baseball, basketball etc. I know this probably wasn't much help, but I thought it might shed some light. Hopefully everything will work out for ya :cool:


Oct 21, 2004
Hi. Sorry to hear that. I knew someone who had a degenerative condition of his joints- sounds similar to your condition. He was on lots of anti-inflamitories and pain meds, and wasn't able to do much physical type stuff.
Here's hoping your condition stabilizes or improves!
Take care.


Apr 21, 2003
thanks guys...I have to also take anti inflamitories(SULINDAC) and a real potent kill all for the condition itself called METHOTREXATE. It is real hard on the liver and was originally for cancer therapy. At this point it is mainly in my fingers on my left hand ,my left ankle ,and lower back. I know I can ride relativly fine for NOW. I was told I have about an 8-10 year window by which time even walking will be painful. I want to LIVE all I can while I still can. I am torn bewteen giving up on riding and trying to get in all I can . I dont know whether to buy another bike or just let it all go and spend my time racing on the bench....It is very saddening. Riding has saved my life in the past. There have been times which without the escape that a good ride provides mentally I would have lost my ability to cope with things. I dont want to see it go away. It seems pretty pathetic maybe but Im almost in tears here thinking about it....I want to be able to take my soon to be born first child (BOY) riding and hunting and fishing and all that but am faced with the reality that I MAY not be able to even walk a 100yds.from the truck by the time he is a teen. It sucks..I guess I was hoping someone out there would chime in saying that they have it and have managed just fine. Wishful thinking I guess...I just still want to ride but how can I justify the$$ knowing how long I may get to use it.....


Oct 21, 2004
Just my 2cents here-
I don't know how old you are but can tell you that we all have a limited amount of time in this existence. At 47y/o I'm really feeling the years of physical abuse I've heaped upon myself playing basketball, football, doing martial arts, and all the stupid "accidents" I've had along the way. Some days I can barely move my knees, my back is stiff and hurts like hell, and the list could go on and on. I'll be damned if I'll let any of that keep me from doing the things that I really want to do right now. I have 5y/o and 14y/o sons and intend to have as good a time as I can with them. So what if I sprain or dislocate my knees again, or my back takes a holiday. If we are having a good time, that's all that matters to me. F**K the pain! I can take stuff for that if I have to. Sure I could sit on my ass (and have, trust me) and wish things could be different, but I'd rather do what I can while I can. Just go for whatever you feel up to man! Live life while you can! When your son is old enough, take him hunting and fishing and just hobble along as best you can- that's what I do most days. It doesn't detract from our good times and it won't from yours. Get that new bike and RIDE that sucker like you mean it!!! :ride:
I wish you the absolute best my friend. May your pain be tolerable and your mind at ease.


Oct 21, 2004
Yes! CARPE DIEM!! :cool:

Congrats on your soon to be first child! My first was at 33 and I'll tell you it's a life changing experience. A diaper changing one too. :laugh:

I hope you plan on be present for the birth? It was the most awesome thing I've ever witnessed. Keep us posted on your progress as well as that of your forthcoming child.


Sponsoring Member
Jun 8, 2003
klc1975 - don't give up on your dreams. do what you can today and adapt in the future. i "saved" my knees for running most of my life only to destroy them by running... my father can no longer walk up and down hills hunting with me - but last year we hunted together for the first time in 8-years. i walked the hills (with radio) and he would park and watch from various locations. we still got to spend the evenings together back at the cabin and talked about the deer that got away.

congrads on your upcoming child - i love to watch my son ride his xr70 - he moves on that bike better than i do on mine (a natural) - but wow does it scare me when he corners faster than i do... it is true that having children gives you a great excuse to be a child again!

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