Jun 11, 2006
Hey fellas,

My name is Mike and I was looking to get back into some motocross action. I rode a 2000 CR125 back when I was 16 at Milford Riders in CT, but had to sell my bike for a car. I am 22 now and graduated from college so I am looking to buy a new bike. I was looking at the 2006 crf250 and the 2007 model (not sure when it will be available for purchase though). I'm a big honda guy as you can tell by my name, but I will consider other options. Anyways I have no clue where people ride now in CT or around the area so if anyone wants to help me out with my bike choice or give me some tips on where people tend to ride that would be awesome.

I am solo so when I do get my bike I will be looking for some buddies to ride with since none of my friends are into motocross.

Mike O.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Mike, what part of the country are you in now? If you are still in the NE there are some great DRN folks in the area. You should be able to meet plenty of riders that will keep from having to go solo. Check out the Local Chapters Forums and watch for rides near you. Enjoy the site and use the search function often. Lots of info and good folks.
Jun 11, 2006
I'm from Connecticut still and was wondering if there are any other good forums I should check out? I think I want to start racing again next spring if I can get some practice in this summer/fall.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Welcome to the site :cool:

Be sure and go to your User CP and update information relating to your location, type of riding, etc. After that grab a spot on the couch. We will do our best to hook you up with some fellow dirt bike enthusiasts.

Check out the Damn Yankee Dirt Riders forum for some folks in your area. You live in New England and you have not ridden with these folks? Well then, pop in and say hello. They don’t bite and they are usually planning a ride somewhere. Some of our finest members live just to your east in northwestern RI.

Again, welcome to the site and shout if you have any questions!


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Looks like a good start.

Welcome to DRN

No trolls, no cliques, no spam & newb friendly. Do it.

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