New guy just bought 80 175. Opinion clutch release lever.


Dec 6, 2009
Ok I finally found a good KDX sight. I just picked up this bike and have been getting it ready to take out. It just needs a few things and some fine tuning. I think I got everything worked out except when I took it for a short ride it seemed to make a little noise at the clutch basket rea and the clutch handle would not pull the whole way in. After I got it home it seemed fine. I changed the oil and ordered a manual off ebay. I noticed in the manual it states the clutch release lever shoud be 80 to 90 degrees to the cable. Here is a fer pics of mine, do you think I should add a washer or just ride it how it is and see what happens. I did do some searching and found it is kinda normal for the bike to be hard to push when not running and cold in gear. Mine will just lock the rear tire until I sit on it and rock it back and forth.
Ok sorry it won't let me post pics. I can say that it is 90 degees after the clutch is pulled in. How much does this really matter? I am not fimiliar at all how the clutch works on these. It does not seem to slip at all.

If anyone gives me a hint in how to post pics of it I will. It keeps throwin up spam alerts. Im guessing I need more posts.


Oct 27, 2008
I'd pull the cover off and make certain the clutch hub nut is torqued down

the handle should pull all the way


Apr 3, 2009
What you describe seems pretty normal to me... though as stated, the clutch lever should go all the way in.

There is a fussy little shim in there that adjusts that clutch lever position... and when I shim mine correctly as per the service manual, I don't get full lever travel either. No doubt my clutch is worn, and the pivot hole is worn, and the shaft is worn, and the pusher assembly is worn... etc :)

So I adjusted mine back so while the arm is not quite in the right position, but I get full lever travel.


Dec 6, 2009
Thanks for the replies. I pulled a complete noob stunt and forgot to mention in the first post that the clutch oil was about 5oz low. I dont know if that could make the clutches heat up and act up as described. I checked it before I changed it and didnt see any in it and had to almost lay the bike on the side to get it to come out of the check scew hole by kickstarter. So when I drained it I put it in somthing I could measure it. I am sorry for leaving this out. I belong to a few forums and most would chew somone out for leaving that info out.

I actually had some trouble tracking down a air filter for a 80 also. It seems the wrong one was installed and the carb was really dirty because it was not sealing corectly. I should have it all back together soon and Ill take it for another testdrive and report back.

For now Im hoping the low oil was messing with it being it acted up after it was ran for a little so I'm praying it heated up in there. If it does it again Ill pull the cover. Thanks for the advise.
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