New Member: Central Cali/USA


Aug 23, 2006
Greetings Earthings

I am Mike from Central Cali. I am 36 yrs old. I have a KX250 that I'm very much in love with. As a matter of fact we are going away together for the weekend! :yikes: Seriously though, I've been lurking in here before, but decided to join so I can post questions and possible add input about the places I've been riding before. Seems like a bunch of knowledgable dudes in here. Hope to converse with some of you dudes in the future. :cool:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Howdy from the DFW Metromess and welcome to the site :cool:

Have you completely filled out your info in your CP? Be sure and do so. After that grab a spot on the couch.

Fill us in on the who, what, when, where, and how long, and we will try and hook you up with some fellow members.

Check out the SoCal Wrecking Crew forum for opportunities to hook up with some fellow DRNers in your area. Scattered like fleas in the winds, these guys have always got a ride brewing.

Have a question? Try search and you might find a plethora of information in the database. If not, post your question and you will likely get some very knowledgeable responses, sprinkled with a bit of humor.

Again, welcome to DRN. We hope you enjoy your stay here and come back often!
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