New Member: Northern British Columbia


Aug 31, 2006
Hey all

Been lurking here for a few months since i bought my bike(great site). Use to have a 84 kx 125 that i modded a bit, and truly loved that bike. Then i discovered sex,drugs, and rock n' roll, and the bike kinda fell second fiddle.
We(the family) were looking to do some fun stuff together, so back to dirt biking i came. I'm sure that northern BC, Canada where we live is probably one of the best spots in Canada for riding, as there is lots of variety, and 5 tracks within 2 hours of us.

Surprised to see how much things have changed.

I think i have found an answer to every question i had, so i'll probably just keep lurking & learning.
Thanks to all the very informative posters here.


Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Howdy from the DFW Metromess and welcome to the site :cool:

Have you completely filled out your info in your CP? Be sure and do so. After that grab a spot on the couch.

Fill us in on the who, what, when, where, and how long, and we will try and hook you up with some fellow members.

We have a fair size group in BC, although they have not got organized. Hopefully they will pop in and say hi!

Have a question? Try search and you might find a plethora of information in the database. If not, post your question and you will likely get some very knowledgeable responses, sprinkled with a bit of humor.

Again, welcome to DRN. We hope you enjoy your stay here and come back often!
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