New owner questions


Jul 12, 2002
Just found this site and I am hoping ya'll can help with a few questions. I bought a 95 KDX200 last week. Due to the owner's neighborhood I wasn't able to ride very hard or long before buying. I haven't had a dirt bike in about 15 years and have been riding streetbikes. The bike is completely stock and the owner (original) said the motor is also stock.
The problem I am having is the bike spits/sputters at half throttle and won't go any farther power-wise. It starts easily and idles good (altho' it knocks fairly loud at idle-exhaust leak?). I thought it must be starving (gas) or choking (exhaust). Last night I pulled the exhaust off and looked down the pipe and there was quite a bit of carbon build-up. I chipped what could be seen out, but that only covers the first 4-5 inches of the pipe, ran it again. Now it still sputters at mid-rpm, but is able to get past and continue, I'd say it's improved about 50%. Looking into the exhaust port, everything looks good and clean in there. Is there a way to clean the rest of the carbon out without slicing the thing open or should I just get a new pipe. I read another discussion on pipes and of course everyone has their favs. I ride whatever I can get myself into - track, woods, fields, etc.
My streetbike is a ZX-11, so obviously this KDX feels slow, but does it even have a top end?? It seems to just have low-end torque or is this still due to the above mentioned problem?
and finally, if I did get a new pipe, is it just the expansion chamber and I use my stock muff/spark arrest, or is it a complete system?
thanks in advance


Feb 15, 2002
Hey Ksnowdog,
I'm definately not the expert on it, but thought I'd take inniciative and reply. I've got a 2001 KDX, and get the sputtering sounds at mid RPM, especially on the higher gears. It almost sounds like something is loose and rattling inside the engine or pipe, but I've been told that is common with this model. This is my first bike ever, so I'm still learning these things. I've also been told that updraging the factory pipe makes all the difference in power delivery. If you can swing the new silencer/arrestor, that supposed to help as well. I'm planning to upgrade soon to see what all the hype is about. (Besides, my pipe has taken a beating). Good luck!!


Jul 3, 2001
If it sputters at about 1/2 throttle that indicates a rich condition. Try raising the needle clip one position which should lean things out. Also maybe try a leaner main jet. Check out the JustKDX site for more info. Aslo re-grease the rear suspension linkage and steering stem bearings. Maybe do a compression test to see what kind of shape the top end is in.


Jul 27, 2001
I dont think carbon in the pipe is causing the problem, sounds like a jetting issue. first off clean the air filter, then search the justkdx section, theres litterally tons of great info on jetting.


Aug 25, 2000
There are several things that you can do that will cost you little $$ and will make the bike run much better:

Take the carb off and clean it. CHeck the jets and needle and note what they are. The bikes are jetted very rich in stock form. Take the time to do a search on this forum for jetting information. While you have the carb off - take a look at the reeds - ok, now replace them. (Boyseen Power Reeds #607).

Do a compression check on the cylinder head.

Check the spark plug - replacing it won't hurt.

Clean the airfilter.

Remove the airbox lid.

Drain the tank and put some fresh gas in it.

OK - Now spend some time jetting the bike. My KDX200 ran fine with the following jetting: (stock PWK 35mm carb): Main 155, Pilot 45 and 2nd clip position (160 and 48 are stock). This does not mean that yours will. :D

If you are getting it to run better - go for a pipe & S/A. Sooner or later you will end up doing this. This is kind of a personal choice - but i would reccomend an FMF KG30 w/ a Turbine Core II Silencer/Spark Arrestor. Now you will have to probably alter the jetting again.

Good luck - keep us updated as to your progress. You will find a lot of good help in this forum for your KDX.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
One other thought is that the KIPS is carboned up and not working properly letting it pull after 5000 RPM. (?) It's a 95 and never been apart so just maybe that's it. It may also need some rings for enough compression to rev. Add this to alla the toher suggestions and good luck.


Apr 30, 2002
If your pipe has a lot of build up your muffler probably does to. Try runing the bike for a while to heat up the muffler than take off the drain bolt on the bottom. Something should drain out.


Jul 12, 2002
Hey everyone, thanks for the replies.
Unfortunately I really can't ride much at home. Tomorrow I will take out to some nice trails and see how it does with fresh gas and longer riding.
I also thought the carb needed to be cleaned out. My initial plan was to start at the gas tank and work my way to the exhaust, but I was strapped for time this week and the exhaust fit into my schedule. If it's not the exhaust, how come it improved so much after cleaning the first few inches of the pipe???
When I looked into the exhaust port on the motor everything looked good could the KIPS valve still be locked up??
The air filter is so clean it looks new.
This winter I plan to try to rebuild the top-end, clutch (doesn't feel like it'll last much longer, altho' it's not slipping yet) and clean/rebuild the carb. On the carb I was thinking to replace the reeds (Boysen), new needles/jets, float and seal. I would also like to replace the pipe/silencer/SA. Any other suggestions on a limited budget (too many toys not enough money)?
Also I drained the silencer (took the bolt off), had about a 1/8 cup of oil come out. Is this normal and can the silencer be cleaned???
And lastly, I'm sure everyone has thier preferences, but do I need to use the Kaw. racing oil. It's about $5 per pint, seem awful damn expensive
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